Dissertation > Economic > Agricultural economy > China 's agricultural economy > Agricultural sector economy > Farming > Economic crops

Analysis of Jujube Growers’ Channel Choice and Satisfaction Level of Agricultural Services in Aksu

Author WangLiZuo
Tutor SunJian
School Huazhong Agricultural University
Course Regional economic
Keywords agricultural socialization the jujube industry the choice of service channel degree of satisfaction
CLC F326.12
Type Master's thesis
Year 2010
Downloads 48
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Coincided with the occasion of the development of the western China, the State Council appeals to speed up the transformation of modern agricultural industrialization. As an industrial town of jujube, the local economy of Aksu region in Xinjiang is deeply depended on the red date industry. Thus, the healthy and stable development of economy, and the continual income increase of farmers in Aksu all rest with the normal and sustainable development of the jujube industry. Therefore, we must attach importance to the deficiencies and problems in the jujube industry, and guide the government and the firms to improve and correct them, in order to realize the sustainable development of the economy and the income growth of the farmers.The questionnaire issued was mainly sent out in Aksu, Xinjiang. Considering with the convenience and feasibility, this study takes the convenience sampling method in the survey sample selection, by which the questionnaires was assigned by the friends of the author in the Aksu area, inviting respondents completed a total of 413 questionnaires. Through analysis of the data, it is concluded that the social service of the jujube industry in Xinjiang is mainly depended on the government, supplemented by the free self-employed business and enterprises. In addition, the farmers in Xinjiang are highly satisfied with these services.The paper then proposes some suggestions for the industrialization of jujube in Xinjiang. It is advocated that to improve the level of agricultural service of the jujube industry in Xinjiang and help farmers increase production and incomes, we should try to fully realize the industrialization of agricultural facilities, the modernization of production, and integration of sale and production; try to strength the construction and establishment of disaster prevention and mitigation system of the jujube industry; try to enhance the innovation of the production organizing model, and set up professional jujube service system and production cooperatives.

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