Dissertation > Economic > Economic planning and management > Enterprise economy > Corporate Financial Management

The Empirical Analysis on Growth Characteristic and Corporate Governance of Listed Companies

Author YuanLiNa
Tutor SunZuo
School Jilin University
Course Accounting
Keywords Listed companies Growth Governance structure
CLC F275
Type Master's thesis
Year 2006
Downloads 298
Quotes 4
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The corporate governance has been a worldwide issue investigated by the academic and practical field nowadays. With the development of the global economic integration and its environments, profound transformations have taken place in every nation’s corporate governance’s practice. More and more investors and decision’s makers realize that the proper corporate governance is important for a corporation to boost its competitive power and profits and is the microcosmic basis to protect its owners and keep the modern market system running in an orderly and efficient way.The Chinese corporate governance faces the same problems that happen in the developed country and its own complicated problems as well. Based on the analysis of the existing research of corporate governance, some crucial problems with respect to the corporate governance of public company in china are investigated in this paper, such as the shareholder’s structure and the information’s releasing of the public company and the independent director system. At the end of the paper, some advices are pointed out. The paper can be divided as five parts.The first part:the foreword of this paper, including the background and the intention of the research. The second part: the existing research situation and the main research content and method of this paper are introduced.The third part: the main theory and definition of the corporate governance are introduced and some main models and their differences are demonstrated. The fourth part:this part is the emphasis of the paper. The empirical study on Chinese listed firms’Corporate Governance and Growth is in this part.

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