Dissertation > Medicine, health > Chinese Medicine > Medicine surgery > Modern medicine, surgical diseases

120 Cases of Tongfuning granules treatment of chronic non-specific ulcerative colitis

Author ZhangQinLiang
Tutor TianZhenGuo
School Liaoning College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Course TCM surgical anorectal
Keywords Tong Fu Ning Pellet Ulcerous colitis Clinical cases observation
CLC R269
Type Master's thesis
Year 2002
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Objective:Through 120 clinical cases observation for the curing of ulcerous colitis(hot and humid type) by using Tong Fu Ning Pellet and a comparative analysis and inquiry for the results for the purpose of providing academic basis for a wider application of Tong Fu Ning Pellet to cure ulcerous colitis.MethodrDivided 150 clinic and ward patients randomly into the observation group and the control group.In the observation group, 120 patients taking Tong Fu Ning Pellet orally three times per day with one bag each time.In the control group,30 patients taking Bu Pi Yi Chang Pill(made in Southern Pharmaceutical Factory)orally,two times per day according to the specification.Both group stopped using other interrelated treatment medicines and were observed for one period of treatment(30 days per treatment).Result:Among the 120 patients in the control group,90 clinically cured, 18 cases with obvious curative effect.8 cases with effect,4 cases without effect.total effective rate 96.67%.Among the 30 cases in the control group, 11 cured.6 with obvious curative effect.5 with effect.8 without effect.total effective rate 73.3%.There is a marked difference.P<0.005,by comparing the total effective rates between the two.Conclusion:the observation group and the control group both have definite effect for the treatment of ulcerous colitis.but the observation group has an obviously priority than the control group.This shows that Tong Fu Ning Pellet has a better clinical effect than Bu Pi Yi Chang Pill for the treatment of ulcerous colitis.

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