Study on the Utilization of the Outgrowths from Banana |
Author | LiZiJian |
Tutor | LinXiuLan |
School | Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University |
Course | Wood Science and Technology |
Keywords | Banana stems and leaves Effective compositions Washing capability antioxidant abiIity Banana Outgrowths Utilization Study |
CLC | S668.1 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2006 |
Downloads | 560 |
Quotes | 1 |
Banana is a monocotyledon which belongs to Musaceae from Musa; it is one of the four most famous fruits in the world. The banana output in china rank third in the world, and the planting area reached 255.5 khm2 in 2003. The outgrowths’ output is 3 times as banana’s, which brought 23,250,500 tons’ banana stems and leaves. After the banana was harvesting, the discarding stems and leaves will deteriorate the environment, allure the insects, and also will break the traffics, create the resources waste seriously. At the moment, the utilization of banana outgrowths in our country rest mainly on producing animal feed and fibrosis, and the utilization of active ingredients in banana haven’t covering yet. The study is focus on active ingredients in the banana stems and leaves, and is followed by the pre-experiment to analyze and confirm active ingredients, collect the active ingredients and examine their washing capability and anti-oxidative capability. Finally, the optimum process that extracted active ingredients from banana stems and leaves were discussed, and preliminary research on washing mechanism and antioxidation mechanism was carried through.Color development reaction assay was adopted to analyze and confirm active ingredients of banana stems and leaves, then picked up protein, semi-cellulose, pectin, polysaccharide, fat, tannin, chlorophyll, flavones as active ingredients. Based on the polarity of solvent and the solubility of active ingredients, petroleum ether, alcohol and water has been used to extract the active ingredients from banana stems and leaves, then the active ingredients was separated and purified by solvent extraction, sediment, dialysis, crystal and liquid chromatography. Fat and chlorophyll is difficult to separate, so supercritical CO2 extraction technique was adopted, which can separate fat and chlorophyll effectively, and increase the extracting rate of fat in matrix.The washing activation of active ingredients from banana stems and leaves was examined by three criterions; it is foam performance, surface tension and the ability of decontamination. Foam performance was examined by Ross-Miles method (GB/T 7462-1994), surface tension was examined by ring method, and the ability of decontamination was examined by emulsification method. Reference samples are Diaopaia-abluent, 12-sodium alkyl sulfate and Tween-80. The result shows that: the extraction of petroleum ether, polysaccharide and sodium copper chlorophyllin from banana leaves perform higher spumescence ability and foam stability. The critical concentration form pastern namely CMC and the surface tension in this concentration are 1.0 g/1 (34.295 mN/m), 1.0 g/1 (42.398 mN/m), 3.0 g/1 (40.123 mN/m) respectively, which the value is close or excess the reference samples. The emulsify capability of the extraction of petroleum ether is the best in these active ingredients, and close to the emulsify capability of Tween-80. The emulsify capability of polysaccharide and sodium copper chlorophyllin from banana leaves are follow then. The better the emulsify capability, the better the ability of smear decontamination. The paper suggests that the extraction of petroleum ether, polysaccharide and sodium copper chlorophyllin from banana leaves