Dissertation > Medicine, health > Chinese Medicine > Chinese medicine clinic > Acupuncture, acupuncture therapy > Clinical applications of acupuncture

Transient Effect of the Different Order of Interference between Acnpuncture and Exercise Therapy on the Somatosensory Evoked Potential in the Patient of Hemiplegia after Stroke

Author HuangDongE
Tutor WuQiang
School Fujian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Course Acupuncture and Massage
Keywords Stroke(TCM) /acupuncture-moxibustion therapy Exercise therapy somatosensory evoked potential point Lill(quchi) point Li4(hegu)
CLC R246
Type Master's thesis
Year 2006
Downloads 78
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Purpose:To investigate transient change on the hemisphere brain somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) in the patients of stroke under the different order of interference: exercise after acupuncture or acupuncture after exercise.Methods:62 cases of hemiplegia after stroke were divided into group A which was ordered to raise handclasp of Bobath after puncturing Quchi(LI 11)and Hegu(LI 4) on the affected side (n=31)and group B which was pun- ctured Quchi(LI 11) and Hegu(LI 4)on the affected side after raising handclasp of Bobath (n=31). Prior to and after every interference, the change of SEP on the affected side was recorded.Results:(1) There was a significant difference of SEP in the patients prior to and after treatment of simple acupuncture or exercise therapy(P<0. 01), but there was no significant difference between the two therapies(P>0. 05).(2)There was a significant difference of SEP in the two groups(P<0.01)and Statistic difference existed in the two groups of different order of interference.Conclusion:Both acupuncture and exercise therapies could improved SEP of hemiplegia

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