Dissertation > Political, legal > Legal > Chinese law > Criminal law > Sub-rule

Research on Legislation about Crimes of Infringing on Copyright

Author SuWeiQing
Tutor XiangChaoYang
School Sichuan University
Course Legal
Keywords Copyright Crime Criminal law
CLC D924.3
Type Master's thesis
Year 2006
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As an important part of the intellectual property system , the copyright system for the promotion of scientific and technological progress , cultural prosperity and economic development is of great significance and role . In view of this , China's criminal law and specializes in criminal copyright infringement to strengthen copyright protection . However , due to copyright legal system in China to formalize ago but 10 years of history , China's Criminal Law of Copyright protection system is still not mature enough and perfect , there are still many problems in the exploration and contend stage , especially in the field of criminal law . Concept , understanding of social harm copyright infringement crime is not enough; copyright criminal law protection of the lack of a comprehensive , in-depth study of the system theoretically ; criminal legislation , along with the rapid development of science and technology on copyright crime the constitute penalties are faced with some new situations and new problems . Therefore, I intend to analyze the legislative status quo of China 's Criminal Law of Copyright Protection and compared with some developed countries and regions copyright criminal legislation , trying to discuss the problems of the Criminal Law of Copyright protection from the point of view of the legislative review , in order to establish and improve the copyright criminal law protection system in line with China's national conditions and international practices put forward some useful suggestions . This paper discusses four aspects of the crime of copyright infringement and its criminal legislation , that the theoretical basis of copyright infringement crime of copyright infringement crime criminal regulation to infringe copyright criminal investigation on comparative law , legislation as well as the Legal Protection of Copyrights defects and suggestions for improvement . Text starting from the basic theory of copyright infringement a crime , and then discuss the legislative history and the realities of criminal copyright infringement crime , through analysis, study abroad in violation of copyright crime legislation provides that the investigation on the comparison method , the last of China's current Criminal Law of Copyright protection system for deep reflection , based on

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