Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Secondary education > Subjects teaching methods, teaching aids > Physical

The Junior High School Physics Concept Teaching and "Experiment-investigation" Mode

Author WangJianXin
Tutor CaoDeQun
School East China Normal University
Course Education
Keywords Junior high school physical Concept Teaching The experiment - explore mode
CLC G633.7
Type Master's thesis
Year 2006
Downloads 357
Quotes 5
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Rigorous system composed by some basic experiments , the basic concept of the basic laws of physics is the precise quantitative science . The physical concept is the emphasis and difficulty in the teaching of basic physics , to learn , to teach physics , first must we learn , teach good physical concepts . To grasp firmly , correct physical concepts is a prerequisite and an important guarantee of learning physics . Thesis research on the concept of junior high school physical education in our country is not new , but the quality of the junior high school physics teaching , especially to improve the quality of the concept of teaching has much room , many teachers in practical work , improved . In the fall of 2002 , with the Jiangsu Province , Suzhou whole into the basic education curriculum reform experimental zone , start the curriculum reform experiment , the new curriculum content standards are divided into junior high school physics scientific inquiry and scientific content . How to combine the concept of teaching and the new curriculum requirements , to promote education reform , improve the quality of teaching is the original intention of the author of this article . This article surveys the status of junior high school teaching of physics concepts found interest in learning culture in middle school physics teaching , neglect , neglect the cultivation of students' thinking abilities , the sea tactical quick success of the short-term teaching behavior still occur . In the context of the new round of curriculum reform , how to be more consistent with the new curriculum of the new requirements , keep up with the pace of the physical education reform , makes the study of the physical concept of teaching has a very purposeful and practical significance . This paper uses the survey method , the method of literature review , experimental method , the concept of junior high school physical education a more comprehensive study on the combination of educational theory and teaching practice , a more in-depth study of the teaching of physics concepts , clear physical foundation of teaching pedagogy and psychology of the concept , put forward a more effective \pointed out that the suitable experimental inquiry mode in which the concept of teaching , given the concept of teaching cases and analysis has certain reference value to the concept of teaching junior high school physics teacher in junior high school physics specific .

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