Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Automation technology,computer technology > Computing technology,computer technology > Computer applications > Computer network > General issues > Computer network architecture and design

Study and Implementation of P2P Content Search Based on User Interest

Author ZhangYongHua
Tutor LiMingLu
School Shanghai Jiaotong University
Course Computer Applications
Keywords Peer-to-peer technology Node Information Retrieval Successor node Predecessor Pointer table Interest Distance
CLC TP393.02
Type Master's thesis
Year 2007
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Peer-to-peer networks (P2P) technology is a hot topic of research in the field of international computer network technology , Fortune Magazine will change the Internet and one of the four new technologies for the future . People from many different angles , the application of P2P technology , the angle of the major applications include: the sharing of information resources , pervasive computing , collaborative work , real-time communication technology , information retrieval technology , wide area network storage systems , etc. . With the rapid development of the Internet , the search engine technology is also brewing a major change : more intelligent search technology , search resources will be more extensive search will be more convenient , special search will be richer receiving terminal to the development of mobile devices . Future search technology will also make full use of a huge edge resources in the network environment . The characteristics of P2P technology with the needs of the search engines change camera echoes , distributed content search technology based on the peer-to-peer technology turned out . Internet range of traditional methods of document content search Web search engine such as Google or Yahoo . This search engine uses a centralized search mechanism . For example, Google web crawler (crawler) downloaded from the web page and store them in a centralized database of pages , and then parse the page contents and index . The index is stored in the index database . When a user submits a search request , Google retrieves its index database and make a response . However, the the centralized collection engine has many deficiencies . First , the Web crawler can not provide timely updates page database the page update cycle . Secondly, the

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