Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Secondary education > Subjects teaching methods, teaching aids > History, geography > Geography

The Application of Geographical Park (Room) in Secondary School’s Geography Teaching (Dissertation for Defence)

Author XueXiaoGang
Tutor ZhouPingDe;ZhouShunBin
School Guangzhou University
Course Subject Teaching
Keywords Geographical Park (Room) Secondary School’s Geography Teaching application
CLC G633.55
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
Downloads 11
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Geographical science is a practice-oriented subject. In the new times of widely implementing quality education and emphasizing the cultivation of students’innovation spirits and practical abilities, with the implementation of our country’s new General High School Geography Curriculum Standards and the further reform of new curriculum, especially the issue of National Medium and Long-term Educational Reform and Development Plan(2010-2020), higher requirements are made on secondary school’s geography teaching for improving students’ abilities of cooperative learning, inquiry learning and autonomous learning. Geographical park (room), as an auxiliary teaching facility of secondary school’s geography, will play more important role in these aspects. This article will discuss the application problem of geographical park (room) in secondary school’s geography teaching under the new situation.Research methods used in this article mainly include:literature research methodology, questionnaire method, Delphi method, case-based comparative analysis approach, case study method and so on.This article will conduct research on this problem from five parts.First, explain the origin, sense and current research situation of this research project and the goal, content, thinking and methods of research.Second, based on the connotation of geographical park (room), the author made a systematic explanation of geographical park’s concept, types, functions, construction and use management.Third, compare and analyze the geographical park’s application research in secondary school’s geography teaching through living examples. Fourth, analyze the existing problems and their causes of the application of geographical park (room) in secondary school’s geography teaching.Fifth, come up with some solutions for fully playing the role of geographical park (room) and strengthening its application in secondary school’s geography teaching.

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