Development and Preliminary Application of Junior High School Studengts’ Counter-School Culture Questionnaire |
Author | JiHaiNing |
Tutor | XuChangJiang |
School | Zhejiang Normal University |
Course | Applied Psychology |
Keywords | junior high school students counter-school culture questionnaire development preliminary application |
CLC | G631 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2011 |
Downloads | 23 |
Quotes | 0 |
Carrying out the study of counter-school culture has very important theoretical and Practical significance for the improvement of quality of education and the fostering of school culture. However, the empirical studies in this regard in China are very few. In view of this, referencing the research on counter-school culture at home and abroad, with the samples of junior high school students, this study puts forward the structure and developed the questionnaire of counter-school culture for junior high school students, to understand the general situation and the effecting factors of counter-school culture for junior high school students, and then to find the important tactics that can guide the behaviors of counter-school culture into positive ways.More than two thousands participants involved in this study. According to participant observation, depth interview, text analysis and questionnaire survey, the conclusions of this study are drawn as followings:(1)The meaning of counter-school culture is to resist the authority of school mainstream culture. It contains six factors:unfair consciousness, feeling of boredom, feeling of helpless, conflict behavior, ritual behavior, and innovative behavior. Unfair consciousness refers to students’ recognition of education management. Feeling of boredom refers to students’ emotional experience of school life. Feeling of helpless refers to students’ emotional experience of coping with difficulties. Conflict behavior refers to students’ obvious and violent resistance behavior. Ritual behavior refers to students’ concealed resistance behavior. Innovative behavior refers to students’ critical spirit.(2)The questionnaire of counter-school culture for junior high school students has 27 items, unfair consciousness consists of 5 items, feeling of boredom consists of 4 items, feeling of helpless consists of 4 items, conflict behavior consists of 6 items, ritual behavior consists of 4 items, and innovative behavior consists of 4 items. The reliability analysis shows that the internal consistency is.872, the half-split reliability is.830, and two-week test-retest reliability is.812. Besides, the results of confirmatory factor analysis and correlative analysis show this questionnaire has good content validity, construct validity and criterion validity. The results show the questionnaire can be used as an instrument.(3)The results of questionnaire survey show that junior high school students’ counter-school culture is below the middle level. The level of feeling of boredom, innovative behavior and unfair consciousness is relatively high, whereas, the level of ritual behavior, feeling of helpless and conflict behavior is relatively low.(4)The level of counter-school culture of junior high school students has significant differences in gender, grade, location of the school, academic achievement, parenting style, the parents’ care and plan for their children’s education. But has no significant differences in family constellation and structure.(5)In order to guide the behaviors of counter-school culture into positive ways, parents should create a good family atmosphere with democratic parenting style, and pay more attention to children’s studies. The school should have diversification of curriculum design and democratization of management, and foster students’ ability of coping with difficulties. The teacher should improve their teaching methods and enhance teacher-student relationship.