Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Vocational and technical education > Teachers and students.

Research on the Phenomenon of Occupational Tiredness of Teachers in Guangdong Senior Vocational School

Author WangHanBin
Tutor YuXueFeng
School Central China Normal University
Course Education and management of
Keywords Guangdong senior vocational school Teachers of vocational school Occupational tiredness Elimination policy
CLC G715.1
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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In recent years, along with government’s high attention on vocational education, it wins a place on the Chinese education stage, and it provides qualified technical personnel continuously for the country. However, as one the main force of vocational education, occupational tiredness of vocational school teachers has intensified, it’s hard to get guidance and to be dissolved in their daily life, and it didn’t catch attention of society, school and even itself. It’s hard to imagine that the big ragne existence of the tiredness and it can’t be solved, which will affect the physical and mental health, and their own career development, also it will have great influence on the development of intelligent and healthy formation of personality of students, which will become a hidden trouble of society, of course it will block the development of vocational school and even vocational education.In order to understand the phenomenon of occupational tiredness of vocational school teachers, put forward the corresponding management strategy to prevent or mitigate the occupational tiredness, I did questionnaire survey of Guangdong senior vocational school. At the meantime, with communications and interview of colleagues and my own observation and experience, I study the phenomenon of occupational tiredness of teachers, seek the truth from facts and began research analysis, and propose solution strategy based on executable sustainability. From the survey we can see the phenomenon of occupational tiredness of teachers in Guangdong senior vocational school exists widely, only the degree difference, it’s only 20% of survey teachers without occupational tiredness. The occupational tiredness of male teachers are more serious than female teachers; the higher of the position title it’s, the lower tiredness degree it’s; the teacher in charge of a class is more serious and anxious than others; married teachers overall is higher happiness index than unmarried teachers and less tiredness; the tiredness degree of teaching experience between 4-7 years is the most serious,1-3 years less, and more than 15 years is lightest. This article will descript and analyze the phenomenon of most serious, less and lightest of occupational tiredness based on the facts.On the analysis of the causes of occupational tiredness, the article begins with factors of society, school and teachers. In the society, especially non-teachers personnel have serious prejudice for vocational school teachers, the social status and payments shall be improved for vocational school teachers; And school management team shall improve the improper management way; And vocational school teachers exist the problem of too high expectation and lacking of progress.I have proposed some ideas and countermeasures for preventing and reducing teachers occupational tiredness of vocational school of Guangdong from the levels of society, school and teacher, based on the point of view of education management and enforceable as the instruction. Society and vocational school shall have more communication and cooperation; The school shall improve working environment of teachers to attain the environment and management system of People-oriented, which will improve healthy development for school and teachers; And teachers shall strengthen their internal improvement, enhance professional quality and emotion management ability.

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