Dissertation > Language, writing > Chinese > Chinese language teaching > Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

Foreign Language Teaching modal particle teaching

Author DongZuo
Tutor JiangKeXin
School Heilongjiang University
Course Chinese International Education
Keywords Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Modal particle teaching Error analyses Teaching suggestions
CLC H195
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
Downloads 151
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Modal particle teaching has a slow development in the Chinese teaching and research because of its“empty meaning and high flexibility”. Modal particle words are very difficult to understand and grasp. In the classroom teaching, because of foreign students’applying of the avoiding strategy, we only have very few and barren material about the modal particle teaching. What is the worst is that there is no satisfied result on this aspect.Based on the situation we are facing in Chinese modal particle teaching, with reference of typical modal particle words from the book <Hanyu Jiaocheng(revised edition)>(6 volumes)in this paper, I will analyze the small differences between all the modal particle from the pragmatic aspect, with the help of questionnaire in which collecting all the mistakes foreign students made when they are learning the modal particle words. Some suggestions are raised pointing to the teaching elements like teaching objects, teaching content and the teaching ability.

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