Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Communicate > Communication network > Private communication network

Study on Multi-Protocol Label Switching and Its Application of Virtual Private Network

Author LiaoYan
Tutor MaoPeiFa;ZhouZhenYong
School Zhejiang University of Technology
Course Communication and Information System
Keywords Multiprotocol Label Switching Principle Signaling protocol Quality of service Traffic Engineering Virtual Private Network
CLC TN915.85
Type Master's thesis
Year 2003
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MPLS ( Multi -Protocol Label Switching : Multi-Protocol Label Switching ) technology is an open communication network using fixed-length labels to guide high-speed data transmission and exchange new network technology . Since 1997 , MPLS technology has been developing rapidly with its characteristics of high efficiency . MPLS technology is the integration of the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM: Asynchronous Transfer Mode) connection-oriented and connectionless IP (Internet Protocol) to the development of the technical advantages of its value lies in a connectionless network the incoming connection mode characteristics , support for multiple network layer protocols . MPLS is not to replace the IP protocol, but the enhancement on the IP . From the concept of MPLS basic principles , the signaling protocol to three applications of MPLS (quality of service , traffic engineering , virtual private network VPN: Virtual Private Network) system MPLS VPN application is the key , MPLS VPN the application can be described as a \This section contains the background of the MPLS VPN technology , the contents of the MPLS VPN advantages of different implementations , MPLS VPN , also discussed the challenges facing the MPLS VPN technology and future development issues . Combined with practical application, around the Zhejiang Telecom MPLS VPN construction should pay attention to several key issues on MPLS VPN application deployment and implementation of recommendations , such as the setting of the route reflector (RR: Route Reflect) , routing target / Zhejiang _ [ industry University, a master's degree thesis route set identifier (RT / RD, Routing Target / Route Distin Luo isher ) , the adjustment of the routing system has Internet access (Intemet) the MPLs vPN implementations , MPLS VPN service quality as well as network the tube system , such as , in particular focus on the inter- autonomous system ( As : autonomy system ) MPLS VPN implementations , and the next project construction made ??constructive suggestions . Finally, analysis of the existing problems for MPLS , the future prospects for development are discussed .

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