Dissertation > Political, legal > Legal > Chinese law > Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act > Environmental Protection Act

The improvement of environmental responsibility of our government

Author WangYanFang
Tutor LuZhiMing
School Kunming University of Science and Technology
Course Environment and Resources Protection Law
Keywords Environmental responsibility of the government Secondary environmental obligations Management system Accountability of environmental responsibility
CLC D922.68
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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With economic developing, the environmental problem of China is getting worse. It showed characteristics of structure, compound and compression-type. Since 2004 nearly one million people drinking water caused by interruption of 26 days, direct economic losses of more than 300 million yuan which shocked the country is "major water pollution incident in TuoJiang", to 2005 the State Environmental Protection Administration of emergency a total investment of 117.9 billion yuan stop "Not the EIA will be implemented first, "the illegal construction of 30 large projects. And November 13,2005 an explosion occurred in JiHua which caused major environmental pollution incident in Songhua River. In 2006, lead level exceeded in the millions of people’s blood in the Hui county of GanSu, and arsenic in drinking water exceeded in the Yueyang town of HuNan for the government administration not as a result. In 2008, YangZongHai contaminated by arsenic. In 2010 drought in southwest China. These outstanding environmental problems for our country to strengthen the protection of the ecological environment has sounded the alarm, sounding an alarm. In environmental protection because the government has a special status and a complete function, coupled with the Government has the responsibility to provide public goods and environmental public goods; Moreover, so far, no organization or individual can be independent of the government to complete the mission of environmental protection, so our government must use its functions under the law, with a sense of crisis within the whole of society to assume responsibility and environmental protection Mission. Although our government has gradually realized that he has a responsibility to protect the environment, and take some measures to reduce pollution and protect the environment. However, the majority of those with foreign countries than it, our government work in environmental protection is not enough, not to put myself on the dominant position in environmental protection. Coupled with long-standing tradition of thinking, some government departments have not yet realized that the current environmental crisis and their own sense of responsibility. And many foreign countries not only aware of the importance of environmental responsibility of government, but also made them more detailed and effective provisions. In order to protect human living environment better, implement the scientific concept of development, we must strengthen the construction of environmental responsibility on the Government.This paper on the causes and environmental problems caused by the effective protection of the environment issues in-depth. We find the government can solve environmental problems and protect the environment effective. The article first introduces our government, the meaning of environmental responsibility; second section describes the environmental responsibility of the government and the current status of the law; the last reference to environmental responsibility and learn from foreign governments (such as USA, Japan, Russia, etc.) in essence, Environmental responsibility of improving our government put forward several suggestions.

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