Dissertation > Economic > Agricultural economy > Agricultural economic theory > Land Economics > Land management, planning and

Reasonable Land Use and Adjustment of Industry Structure-a Case Study on Datan Town

Author ZhangYongHua
Tutor MaLi
School Capital Normal University
Course Physical Geography
Keywords land evaluation land use leading industry adjustment of industry structure
CLC F301.2
Type Master's thesis
Year 2004
Downloads 317
Quotes 4
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Land use is the core of protection and construction of ecological environment. Reasonably exploitation and achieving sustainable using of land resources are important components of national economy and sustainable development of modern society. And adjustment of land use structure is the basis of regularization of industry structure. Nowadays the increasing of total economic depends on the change of industry structure more and more vehemently. At the same time adjustment of industry structure is the essential way of increment of peasants’ income and forcing the synthesis strength of countryside. And it also the critic factor of the ecological construction will succeed or not.The research uses GIS technology, mathematical models as the main methods, and regards the control of land desertification as the goal. The outline of this thesis is as the following: (1) situation of land use; (2)land evaluation; (3) analysis of land use’s reasonability; (4)adjustment of land use structure; (5)suggestion of control of land desertification; (6) present situation of industry structure; (7)advices.Using GIS software-Arcview, especially it’s spatial analysis function, land evaluation of Datan is done. The result shows that Datan town is abundant in grazing land and forest land. But it has no adequate tilled land. It demonstrates that Datan’s prop industry is rearing livestock. And this also fixes in with the natural landscape of Datan. Based on the result of land evaluation, the paper expounds measures of adjustment of land use structure and how to control land desertification in addition. Moreover, the research proceeds to optimize industry structure. To a particular region, optimizing industry structure is to choose principal and subordinate industry correctly and decide the order of industrial development. So at the very beginning of the fifth part of the paper, the situation Datan’s situation is analyzed. Then the model of Gray correlation analysis is chosen to ascertain the most important factor of Datan’s output value. By the end the paper points out that Datan should put emphasis on the development of tourism, stock raising, planting vegetables, machining livestock, etc.As the development of tourism, some village incomes increase rapidly. This certainly leads to economic gap between 22 villages. In order to enhance the rates and efficiency of land by making full use of land, 22 villages are classified into six partsto represent various economic development stages.In the end, the paper generalizes the region’s actuality and gives some effectives advices such as utilizing the pasture resources to develop tourism, adjusting and optimizing agriculture structure to make it more harmonious, improving the ability of the people and so on.

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