Dissertation > Aviation, aerospace > Aerospace ( Astronauts ) > Ground equipment, test site, launch sites, space base > Ground-based measurement and control system

Information and data synchronization in the Windows NT environment to exchange technology Design and Implementation

Author WangZhong
Tutor JiangJianFang;DongShiJia
School Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering
Course Control Engineering
Keywords Data Exchange Device Drive Program Windows NT/2000 DDK
CLC V556
Type Master's thesis
Year 2003
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The remote sensing satellite earth station is composed by antenna, feed subsystem , servo subsystem, receiver, station manage subsystem, modulator, demodulator, recorder and quick view equipment. The main founction is to track the remote sensing satellites and record the singal transmitted down by them. As the one of the earth station’ s key functions, searching and tracking the satellite involves the realtime synchronous data exchange, it is a high technology. It means the data transmitted among the servo subsystem, receiver, station manage subsystem, such as leading data, angle data, angle error data and the power of singal,must he transmitted or recorded at the same time. Only the data is transmitted or recorded at the same time can the earth station capture and track the satellite. Using time union equipment is a solution. All of the subsystems transmit data at the raising edge of the pulse produced by it. This paper gives a solution for the problem of realtime synchronous data exchange, it is the special device driver program.It not only can be used in station manage subsystem, but also in servo subsystem. Other system exchanging data real timely and synchronously such as the precision tracking radar also can use it.Its advantages are the high realtime, high credibility. This scheme can reduce the complexity of the system. Finally, This paper introduces the development kit and the development method.

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