Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Mining Engineering > Mining > Metal ore mining > Deposit mining design

Study of Poly-metallic Complex Deposit Visual Simulation and Technology of Three-dimensional Mining Design

Author ZengQingTian
Tutor WangLiGuan
School Central South University
Course Safety Technology and Engineering
Keywords Visualization Solid model block model Mining Environment evaluation Geostatistics Kriging method
Type Master's thesis
Year 2007
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Based on the two-dimensional drawings, the mining source data can notspatially reflect the full complexity of deposits configuration and its spatialdistribution, which, therefore, leads to some uncertainties and blindness in theexploitation of the mine design, planning and production.In recent years, with the further development of computer simulation andvisualization technology, and maturation of deposit modeling technology, thistechnology can provide mine intellectual support for accurate resourceevaluation, 3D design and production policy-making.Based on the analysis of the present situation, developing trends and theexisting problems of deposit visualization modeling technology, this papergives a discussion and study of relevant technical issues in the modeling ofcomplex poly-metallic deposits, and presents the establishment of amathematical economic visualization model suit for evaluation of mineresources and geological environment. Based on the above foundation, miningdesign of three-dimensional visualization is made, the results of which canplay an important supporting role for actual production. The main content ofthis paper is as follows:1. A comprehensive analysis of the present situation, developing trends andthe existing problems of deposit visualization modeling technology.2. An analysis of the geological characteristics of Dahongshan coppermine and the establishment of visualization model of its complexpoly-metallic deposits. In the modeling, the author studied the complexsimulation technology for poly-fault and poly-tectonic deposits, and thencame to the idea of modeling technique with 2 sequential steps of geologicentity extension and Boolean operation to cut redundant entities to ensurespatial coincidence.3. Evaluation and comparison of poly-metallic deposits by adoptingIDW(Inverse distance weighted method) and commonly used Kriging method, the mine reserve valuation statistics by adopting nest technology of wireframe model and block model, and also a variety of statistical analysis ofpoly-metallic deposits resources to provide a comprehensive evaluation of thetechnical data resources.4. Underground mine design based on the visualization of geological modeland the completion of 3-dimensional visualization design and simulation ofdevelopment system, development work and medium and deep hole blastingdesign. The establishment of geological visualization mathematical economicmodel Dahongshan copper mine provided geological engineers all-sided datafor their conduction of a full-scale resources evaluation, reformed thetraditional model of geological work, and improved the working efficiencyand accuracy. The visual three-dimensional image design on this basis canalso provide important project drawings and technical information and displayits important guiding significance on the actual production.

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