Dissertation > Philosophy, religion > Psychology > Applied Psychology

Study on Mental Health and It’s Impact Factors of International Students in China

Author ZhaoZuo
Tutor ZhangZuo
School Harbin Engineering University
Course Applied Psychology
Keywords International students in China Mental health social support coping strategy Dration in China College students demographic statistics factors
CLC B849
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
Downloads 40
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Recently, along with the remarkably improvement of the comprehensive national strength and international standing, more and more foreigners come to learn Chinese language, culture and study for degrees. The Government and universities become aware of significants of developing international studnets education and now are continously improving quality of international students’education as well as perfecting management systerms to attract more and more overseas students, contributing for national economic development an international standing rising. International studnets mental health is related to both their physical heath and success of their study. If we could not take measures to regulat and interven intenatoinal students’mental health effectively, it will not only impact their study but also physical health, even self-battering, suicide or do injury to some other persons. Therefor, inernational sutdnets mental health must be attached great importance to and sort out urgently.This study selected 80 international students from Harbin Engineering Uiversity (HEU)for the test, to survey the level of their mental health and its influencing factors and study relation among mental health, personality, social support, coping strategy, duration of study in China and demographic statistics factors. It is hoped result of this research may provide theoretical and practical guidance to study on international students’mental health.Conclusions of the study are as follows:(1) Most of HEU international students are in good mental health, but a few not.(2) A negative correlation was found between International students’mental health and N scale score of EPQ-RSC, a positive correlation was found between International students’ mental health and E scale score of EPQ-RSC.(3) A positive correlation was found between International students’mental health and objective support score of social support scale.(4) A negative correlation was found between International students’mental health and passive coping strategy score of TCSQ.(5) A correlation was found between International students’ mental health and demographic statistics factors including age, sex, and education level.(6) A positive relation was found between international students’mental health and duration in China.

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