Dissertation > Political, legal > Communist Party of China > Party building > Organization building > Party discipline inspection work

Philosophy Thinking on the Corruption Combating and Clean Government Building in the New Period

Author ChenNa
Tutor ZhengYouXian
School Fujian Normal University
Course The philosophy of Marxism
Keywords the Corruption Combating and Clean Government Building analyses Philosophy Thinking
CLC D262.6
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
Downloads 364
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Under the background of constructing the socialism harmonious society, we have made a remarkable achievement in the sphere of economy, politics, culture, etc. However, some unharmonious factors inevitably existed in this process, which has impeded the development of our society. Among these obstacles, corruption is deemed to be one of the problems to be solved urgently in China and even in the world. To solve this problem, we should act in the guidance of the proper world outlook and methodology, especially focus on the research on the theory of corruption combating and clean government building. It’s of great historical and practical significance to research the dialectical relation between corruption and clean government as well as solution in the respect of philosophy.On the basis of the former research, this paper concentrates on the corruption combating and clean government building. It analyses in detail the achievement and existing problems through the sum-up of corruption combating and clean government building history since the founding of the CPC. In addition, this paper probed the reason of the existing problems, and put forward the ideas for anti-corruption and clean government building on the basis of philosophy. Firstly, to sum up the historic process of anti-corruption and clean government building in the light of our international environment arid political background; secondly, to carry on the system analysis of the achievement and the existing problems; thirdly, to reflect the above-mentioned problems in the process of anti-corruption and clean government building; fourthly, to probe the basic ideas for this topic in the new era according to materialist dialectics and historical materialism as well as our national conditions.

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