Research on Efficiency of the Mathematics Revision Teaching to the Graduating Liberal Arts Classes in High Schools |
Author | LiuHaiYan |
Tutor | LuFangYan |
School | Suzhou University |
Course | Education |
Keywords | high school mathematics classroom teaching effective teaching |
CLC | G633.6 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2011 |
Downloads | 96 |
Quotes | 0 |
High efficiency is the lifeblood of teaching and the diligently pursuing goal of every high school teachers. Study on how to improve the efficiency of mathematics review for high school liberal arts students, is the need of the new curriculum reform on the mathematic education under the state’s situation , and is helpful for the development of the teacher’s professional specialization. The study also can benefit the international comparative education research. There are a lot of domestic research literature on high school teaching, but little can give a further systematic discussion, especially on the mathematics teaching practice of high school liberal arts class under the guidance of new curriculum reform theory.In this paper, the 3rd grade mathematics faculty of the first high school of Jiangyin city, a four-star high school of Jiangsu province, try to find a way to solve the problem that perplexed them long time, through the method of sorting and concluding their operational practice in mathematics teaching. The faculty conclude that the essence of high efficient mathematics teaching in the 3 rd grade liberal arts classes is to improve the students’interest ,knowledge, and skills in mathematics learning, and that it helps the students to accelerate mathematical thinking ,form cognitive structure, create application consciousness. They hope the exploration practice will lay a strong foundation for their lifelong mathematical practice activities.Guided by the effective teaching theory, mathematics education and psychology theory , the paper propose 8 key-points for the implementation of the 3rd grade liberal arts mathematics review teaching, based on the mathematics course characteristics and teaching practice: 1. choosing right teaching material resources; 2. guided by the right theory-“Recent Development Zone”theory; 3. making right plans ; 4.teaching in right modes; 5. repeating teaching reflection is a right habit; 6.high efficient training is the right way of review ; 7.dynamic branch generation is the right focus in teaching; 8. fostering right positive exam psychology of students. To support the view points, the paper presents sufficient investigation and analysis cases of the efforts they made against the difficulties and confusions in the recent years’teaching life.