Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Vocational and technical education > Teaching theories,teaching methods

The Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Based on Genetic Algorithm in Vocational Evaluation of Classroom Teaching

Author GeLin
Tutor ZhongYuBin
School Guangzhou University
Course Applied Mathematics
Keywords teaching evaluation index system Analytic Hierarchy Process Genetic Algorithm Fuzzy comprehensive Evaluation
CLC G712
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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Vocational education in China entered a period of rapid development, but at the same time, vocational colleges are also facing fierce competition and tremendous pressure. To ensure the quality of higher education institutions, more attention on the quality of teaching has been paid, because the level of teaching quality impact on the training of qualified personnel directly. Currently, many vocational colleges are exploring effective ways to improve the quality of teaching, so the scientific and objective evaluation for teachers’teaching is taken into account than before. Evaluation has become the core content, in the work of the Higher Education Teaching and Managing.Therefore, the establishment of evaluation system of teachers’ teaching quality in Vocational college is extremely important.In this paper, genetic algorithms, analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and the combination of ideas and methods, focusing on the quality of Maoming Vocational college evaluation of teaching. First, the analysis of domestic and vocational development and evaluation of classroom teaching situation, according to the actual situation of the teaching hospital to determine the specific evaluation index system. Secondly, the use of AHP hierarchy model established, and the 1-9 interval scale method are used to establish the index layer matrix of pair wise comparison judgments; Not only to respect all the views of experts, but also to minimize the subjectivity of decision-makers; Then, the Genetic Algorithm is used to determine matrix calculation of the index weight, and the consistency test, the genetic algorithm is used to determine the weight matrix has a higher consistency, with the actual situation is more similar and reasonable; Finally, since the evaluation of the fuzzy is uncertainty, then the introduction of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is mixed into the evaluation of teaching quality, a genetic algorithm based on fuzzy comprehensive assessment of the model is established, and the mathematical model simple, easy to grasp; Finally, the model is putted into operated. Twenty-one teachers in Maoming Vocational college evaluated by students, fellow teachers, supervisors, and three evaluation scores by three groups are almost the same. In order to consider the various factors in the teaching evaluation fully, and make the evaluation results are more comprehensive and objective, the evaluation scores of the three linear combinations of the final evaluation is as a result of the teacher. Example shows:that the quality of teaching established by this evaluation model is feasible, the model and algorithm with strict logical reasoning and mathematical basis, The quality of teachers can make a more comprehensive, objective, scientific evaluation, and provides a new approach to evaluate the quality of teaching in Vocational colleges.

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