Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Automation technology,computer technology > Computing technology,computer technology > Computer applications > Computer network > General issues > Theory of computer networks

Turbine CFD Grid Generation

Author ZhangYongHua
Tutor ZhangYiHua
School Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Course Aviation Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering
Keywords Structured grid Unstructured grid Differential equation method Delaunay triangulation method Advancing front method
CLC TP393.01
Type Master's thesis
Year 2007
Downloads 359
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The paper studies the various methods for structured and unstructured mesh generation technology , developed a variety of mesh generation software program , and example to verify the robustness of these procedures . On this basis , the application of these to the grid generation technique in around the blades of the impeller generates a structured and unstructured grids . Structured mesh generation method including algebra and differential equations . The papers detailed study technical details of the software development of these methods , and analysis of the program implementation process, a program module that implements these methods . At the same time , the analysis of these two methods to deal with the scope of the problem and procedures to achieve the degree of difficulty , and evaluation of the quality of the mesh generation , and to provide a basis for turbomachinery grid generation method to generate high-quality selection . Unstructured mesh generation methods including Delaunay triangulation methods and advancing front method . The technical details of the paper a detailed study of Delaunay triangulation method of software process and software development , the introduction of a certain geometric parameters of the technological improvements , the standard of quality parameters of the evaluation grid and grid optimization method provides accelerate the technical means to generate high-quality meshes , the architecture of the methods and procedures to achieve reasonable and efficient data structures . On this basis , the method in turbomachinery grid generated program modules .

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