Dissertation > Art > Painting > Painting techniques > Chinese painting techniques

Brief Discussion on Decorative Language Application and Expansion in Modern Brush Stroke Figural Painting

Author LiuShengJie
Tutor ChengXuGuang
School Inner Mongolia Normal
Course Fine Arts
Keywords Decoration Meticulous Figure The form of beauty Value orientation
CLC J212
Type Master's thesis
Year 2007
Downloads 311
Quotes 2
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Meticulous as one of the important manifestations of Chinese painting , clearly reflects the painting decorative features of our nation and its aesthetic characteristics . Decorative expression language can Meticulous inherent decorative performance language is everywhere , from the original rock paintings to modern brushwork figure , abandoned light and shadow to line modeling picture composition plane ordering hook line coloring \Contemporary brushwork figure on the basis of the traditional Gongbi development into the modern aesthetic philosophy , absorb and learn from a wide range of modern Western color , folk decorative elements , fully reflected in the form of screen performance . This article discussed through the four parts of the application and expansion of the language of contemporary decorative brushwork figure : a decorative language in the the meticulous the portraits development in the transmutation Second, embodied in the form of decorative language in contemporary brushwork figure , decorative vocabulary in artistic value in the contemporary brushwork figure four , the decorative vocabulary of the brushwork figure the value proposition of rational thinking papers focus to be embodied in the form of the decorative language \process, the performance of the decorative language use brushwork figure is undoubtedly important to absorb the decorative language brushwork figure also reflects its unique artistic personality in the content and form at the same time closely combine . In modern times, with the update of the artistic development of diversified , drawing ideas , painting materials rich in the form of diversification greatly enriched Meticulous art language . Good works is the unity of form and content , too much attention to the screen form will inevitably flow situation in the re- production of the light creative , decorative technique of expression is not the only specialty Meticulous Meticulous home to observation experience life more explore more rational and repeated practice . The paper discusses the process listed are the classic masterpiece , to deepen our understanding of the decorative language , create works of art is both forms of flu have spiritual connotation in practice .

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