Dissertation > Economic > Tourism economy > China 's tourism industry > Local tourism industry

Ice and Snow Tourism Development in Heilongjiang

Author XuWenZuo
Tutor DuanGuangDa
School Heilongjiang University
Course Tourism Management
Keywords Winter Tourism The Ice and Snow World of Harbin HLJ province OTSW Analysis Strategies
CLC F592.7
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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In recent years, China’s winter tourism has developed rapidly,Heilongjiang Province is a major winter tourism destination in the world where has an advantage to develop winter tourism. Surrounding provinces develop winter tourism rapidly, which broke up the shifting "development" situation of Heilongjiang. With development of winter tourism of Heilongjiang, negative factors have arisen, such as imperfect winter tourism industry chain, tourists stranded short time, the low rate of revisit, the product of winter tourism has a single degree of integration with the local culture, which hindering the development of winter tourism of Heilongjiang. This paper, with Harbin Ice and Snow World as the breakthrough point, in a lot of basic data, based on the use of OTSW analysis, in-depth analysis by Heilongjiang winter tourism development, proposing feasible Suggestions and Strategies of Heilongjiang winter tourism industry.

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