Dissertation > Aviation, aerospace > Aviation > Aircraft instrumentation,avionics, flight control and navigation > Flight control system and navigation > Flight control

Research on the Attitude Controller Design and Control Strategy of High Altitude Platform

Author HanFang
Tutor YaoYu
School Harbin Institute of Technology
Course Control Science and Engineering
Keywords high altitude platform attitude control control allocation control strategy
CLC V249.1
Type Master's thesis
Year 2008
Downloads 74
Quotes 2
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Due to its ability to hover at stratosphere carrying heavy payload for long endurance, high altitude platform can be used in observation, navigation and guidance, and it is the hot point to research in the world at present. The development of high altitude platform can promote the research of high altitude guidance weapons platform, earth observing telecommunication platform, etc. High altitude platform can be widely applied for both military and civil use.The problem of attitude control law and control strategy of high altitude platform during hover is mainly studied, the main content is as followed.Firstly, a configuration architecture is designed. Based on the analysis of forces and torques, a nonlinear six-degree-of-freedom model is constructed; Then, the nonlinear model is linearized using small disturbance theory, and the linear state equation can be divided into longitudinal and lateral equation;Secondly, based on the longitudinal linear model, the attitude control laws for elevator and propeller to actuate separately are designed using classical control theory; then internal model control method is used to retrain the atmospheric disturbance; then, the dynamic performance of attitude control is analyzed, and the analysis is the base of synthetic energy optimization index.Thirdly, the control allocation algorithm is described and its benefits are analyzed; Then, a synthetic energy optimization index is proposed based on both the dynamic performance of attitude control and the power consumption of actuators; Based on the synthetic energy optimization using control allocation algorithm, the attitude control strategy of high altitude platform is designed.Finally, simulation research of pitching attitude control is conducted when airship is in neutral flight at an altitude of 22km. The simulation results show the validity of the proposed approach.

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