Dissertation > Political, legal > Legal > Chinese law > Administrative law > Culture, education, health management Act

Research on the Question to the Compensation for Medical Damage

Author ZhangGuoDong
Tutor LiuYaJun
School Jilin University
Course Legal
Keywords Medical damages Responsibility Application of the law The scope of compensation Perfection of the Law
CLC D922.16
Type Master's thesis
Year 2007
Downloads 208
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With China's legal system and social continuous improvement and enhancement of people 's awareness of the law , disputes between doctors and patients have more and more performance in real life , and accounted for a greater proportion of medical malpractice is medical indemnity dispute . Although China has formulated the \However , now medical indemnity dispute arising in practice all kinds and variety alone an administrative regulations have been enough to resolve all disputes over medical damages . Thus a direct result of the inconsistent application of the law once produced medical compensation . In this paper, the medical compensation , as well as the introduction of the specific circumstances , the medical indemnity dispute divided into medical malpractice damages disputes and general medical indemnity dispute . And to further clarify the medical damages Principle of Liability constituent elements and burden of proof . Summarizes the final application of the law and compensation range of different medical indemnity dispute . At the same time improve the legal medical compensation legislative principles and legislative mode . Hope to achieve consistent medical compensation laws applicable to safeguard the unity and dignity of our laws .

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