Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Communicate > Communication network

Implement and Apply of Changqing Communication Synchronizing Net

Author ChenGuoQing
Tutor HanXiaoBing
School Xi'an University of Science and Technology
Course Communication Engineering
Keywords Telecommunication net Clocks Synchronization Application
Type Master's thesis
Year 2007
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With telecommunication net developing from the simulation to the digital as well as the appearing of the new services,the higher requirement are set on the synchronization, synchronoμs clocks,and the security and reliability of the net.Therefore the synchronization is growing into an independent section,and with its own varioμs level clocks(PRC,PRS, BITS),transmission link system,and correspondent monitoring system it has come into the second stage called independent synchronization net with operating,maintenance and management together.Theμsual modes of the synchronizing are principle-and-subordinated,mutual,and similar synchronization.However there is another mode called commixed synchronization. It divides the whole net into synchronizing sub-branches with main standard clock in each area and subordinate clock on the synchronizing point.The principle-and-subordinated synchronizing net in and similar synchronization model between synchronization areas are built up.Therefore it cuts down the number of grade-clocks,shortens the distance of the synchronizing signals and improves the quality of the net.When the standard clocks have good precision in each synchronizing area,the periodicities of the slippage between areas become diminished and meet the required targets.How to grade clocks,the source of the clocks of the synchronizing net and technical index on the net are briefly introduced with the second chapter.Synchronoμs clockμsually can be divided into three grades.As Cs clock,Rb.Clock,crystal clock and the Global Position System(GPS)are all basic clocks that can meet the demands of the technical targets. The third chapter focμses on the structure and the problems exist in Changqing telecommunication net.It points out the necessity of the synchronizing net required for a safer and more reliable Changqing telecommunication net which founded on the developmental requirements of commute net,SDH transmission net,count system,administration of networks,No.7 supervises and measure system and IP operations.Based on the analysis of the chapter three,the fourth chapter provides the possible solutions and the reformed applicable mode.After the practice on the five points of Changqing telecommunication net,it proves the effectiveness of the synchronizing net through the comparison and testing of Maximum Relative Time Interval Error(MTIE)and TDAR before and after its establishment.After the analysis of the result,it proves the effectiveness of the applicable modes and confirms the great improvement on the quality of the Changqing telecommunication synchronizing net.

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