Administrative Accountability System |
Author | GaoShan |
Tutor | YangXuanLiang |
School | Northwestern University |
Course | Administration |
Keywords | Responsibility Administrative responsibility Administrative accountability The Government Responsibility |
CLC | D630.9 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2008 |
Downloads | 501 |
Quotes | 1 |
Administrative accountability is one principle that is enacted aiming at the circumstances of all governmental agencies and official functionaries’ duties and compulsion, and requires the assumption of negative consequences as well. It is an effectual mechanism that modern government to concentrating its self-discipline, emphasizing rational responsibilities and enhancing the supervision on which citizen and social organizations are focused. Because of the inherent ideological shackles of official position in the implementation of the accountability system, the accountability system and the construction of a system related to the implementation of the. system remains the main unknown, unclear responsibilities and other issues, which not only affect the accountability system as well as the implementation of the reduction of administrative efficiency.In response to this issue, the author is start from the reality of the Chinese accountability system, analyzing its fundamental intendment and theoretical foundation; and then demonstrating the significance in the execution of administrative accountability in our nation; in addition dissertating the real whole state of accountability system nowadays and its imperfection in enactment. In general, it is suggested that administrative accountability be consummated and provided propitious inference for the construction of a more accountable government in our nation.