Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Primary education > Countries in the world of primary education overview > China

The Research on the Policy of the Rural Elementary School Merging Affect Education Fairness for Rural Areas

Author ChangFang
Tutor YangXuanLiang
School Northwestern University
Course Administration
Keywords Rural primary The structural readjustment Education and fairness
CLC G629.2
Type Master's thesis
Year 2008
Downloads 386
Quotes 1
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The central government introduced the policy in 2001 , the structural readjustment of the rural primary schools across the country have carried out large-scale rural primary structural readjustment of . It is in the context of this policy through a sample survey of rural primary school in Shaanxi, Ningxia , access to basic information in the area of rural primary school and individual students . Making the necessary data processing , the use of descriptive analysis , respectively, from government investment , family education costs , regional differences , and student achievement in terms of changes to adjust the results of the policies carried out a statistical description of primary layout structure , and thus impact on the fairness of education in rural areas are analyzed . This study shows that the layout before and after the structural adjustment , the government did not due to the structural readjustment of the school to increase investment , especially with the main campus ; education costs of students' families has not changed much ; mountains and plains area is still in the basic education gap changed little ; merged poor academic performance of school students in the the merge main school and unconsolidated school students , and after the merger , the trend of expansion . Overall , the relative weakness of the two groups , namely the date school students and mountainous students , before and after the merger convergence . From the point of view of fairness , all the gap stems from the pre-merger , and therefore in terms of primary education in rural areas , efforts to improve the existing differences , in order to achieve a relatively fair . However , the introduction of this policy is still caused some problems . Such as rural pupils to school the distance road safety problem , the pupils of the boarding .

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