Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Automation technology,computer technology > Computing technology,computer technology > Computer applications > Information processing (information processing) > Pattern Recognition and devices > Image recognition device

Digital Subtraction Angiography Technique Based on the Flat Panel Imaging Device

Author ZhangBoShu
Tutor WangMingQuan
School University of North
Course Signal and Information Processing
Keywords Digital Subtraction Angiography Flat panel detector Image registration DICOM standard
CLC TP391.41
Type Master's thesis
Year 2008
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In current clinical practice , digital subtraction angiography technique is an effective vascular visualization tools . Especially in recent years , tablet - based imaging device digital subtraction angiography gradually replace traditional film and image intensifier type subtraction technology become an essential tool for medical diagnostics . How to make the subtraction more clear also become a research hotspot in recent years . In this paper, the flat panel detector type DSA as the main object of study, compared the main difference plate imaging devices DSA and DSA based on image enhancement devices , results can see the Tablet imaging DSA has the great advantage of developing . Digital subtraction angiography , for better imaging conditions DSA image , you can use the direct subtraction method . But most of the DSA image during Save Movies organ by background paper, based on the logarithmic transformation of the subtraction method , the method Save Movies vessels more clearly visible . In the process of subtraction , patients and human organs inevitable move , the subtraction image artifacts . In response to this phenomenon , this article describes the DSA image registration techniques to minimize artifacts of normal diagnosis by image registration . According to the characteristics of the blood vessel image , taken by the feature point method for image registration . First select the feature points on the angiogram , then the feature point offset is calculated on the original image . Applied with smoothing parameters based on thin-plate spline interpolation method , by varying the smoothing parameter to control the degree of deformation and smooth , so that the two images . Experimental results show that can effectively eliminate artifacts . At present, most of the DSA image meet DICOM3.0 standards , this article through in-depth research DICOM standard , do the right analysis of the DSA image the DSA image display , and can be implemented with VC 6.0 . Digital subtraction angiography technology is the ability to dynamically display the flow of the blood vessels , which clearly show the lesions, improve disease detection rate and the diagnostic accuracy , reduce the use of contrast agents to improve the security of the operation and reduce the operation costs , and therefore its will be very broad application prospects .

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