Practice and prospects of the Clean Development Mechanism in China |
Author | WangShouLei |
Tutor | WuManChang |
School | Kunming University of Science and Technology |
Course | Environment and Resources Protection Law |
Keywords | Clean Development Mechanism Practice Perspective countermeasure |
CLC | X38 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2011 |
Downloads | 21 |
Quotes | 0 |
There has been an increasing conflict between the disadvantages of mitigating and adapting to the climate change ability and the serious climate change problem since the 20th century. In order to solve the conflict, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) emerges through many years’negotiations about the climate problem. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is one of the three flexible mechanisms under Kyoto Protocol. The mechanism mainly helps the developed country that listed in the annex I of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and it also can benefits for the greenhouse gas emission reduction projects that investigated by the developing country in the non-annex I. They can obtain the amount of greenhouse gas emission reduction that has been verified. At the same time, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) can promote both the developing country and the developed country to accept the responsibility for the restrictive greenhouse gas emission reduction under Kyoto Protocol. Furthermore, it can promote the sustainable development of the host country of the project and achieve the goals under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.Though the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) struggled in the sound of the query has brought about benefits to participating states, it has also brought about many problems to them. And it’s inevitable that China has been affected as one of the active participating states. What’s more, the Post-Kyoto negotiation was long delayed has also brought about many uncertain factors to the future of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).The dissertation consists of three parts:introduction, text, and conclusion. In the introductory remarks, we discuss the studying background and the studying significance of choosing this topic, the studying situation in home and abroad, and the main contents. The conclusion part is the summery of the whole text. The dissertation includes the following four parts:The first part is the summery of the Clean Development Mechanism. In this part, we introduce the connotation and producing background of CDM and the theory basis of CDM. It includes the game theory, sustainable theory and the theory of property rights of the environmental resources.The second part introduces the practice of CDM in China, and it briefly describes the project initiated in my country. Furthermore, we analyze problems of CDM project in the .process of practicing.The third part is the introduction of the practice of CDM in India. According to the shortcomings existing in our country, the paper puts forward that the successful experience from India provides useful lessons for China, and their successful experience has deep relationship with the Clean Development Mechanism.The fourth part introduces the detailed measures such as improving and perfecting the Clean Development Mechanism in China.The fifth part mainly introduces the perspective of CDM and countermeasures of our country. This part starts with a brief introduction of the present climate negotiations situation. Then, based on the direct or indirect analysis of measures of the Clean Development Mechanism of EU, USA and China, the dissertation concluded with a possible prediction of CDM of Post-Kyoto Times. As above, this part gives the countermeasures of our country careful consideration.