High Speed Aerodynamic Convection and Coupled Heat Transfer of Complicated Bodies |
Author | ZhaoPingAn |
Tutor | XiaXinLin |
School | Harbin Institute of Technology |
Course | Engineering Thermophysics |
Keywords | complicated bodies aircraft dynamic convection transfer engine cabin numerical simulation |
CLC | V215.4 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2008 |
Downloads | 144 |
Quotes | 0 |
In recent years, with the development of the high-speed aircraft and the technique of target infrared characteristic, concerns to the researches on the temperature field and heat transfer characteristic of the surface of aircraft are given increasingly. The structure of the aircraft’s Engine cabin is complex, so the high-temperature heat transfer process in the engine cabin is very important to both the thermal reliability of engine and the control of the temperature of the skin of aircraft. It has very important engineering application value for the research of this kind of problem. This paper researches the characteristics of the dynamic convection heat transfer on the surfaces of high-speed aircraft and of the convection-radiation inside of engine cabin, using the CFD software of CFX and FLUENT. The major content including:1. Establish the geometry model and mesh for the numerical computation of the dynamic convection heat transfer of the surface of high-speed aircraft, analyze the influence of the boundary condition and the far-field to the high-speed dynamic convection heat transfer by numerical experiment. Get the aerodynamic adiabatic temperature field of the surfaces of the high-speed aircraft with complicated bodies by simulation, and analyze the influence of relevant factors.2. Simulate and analyze the characteristics of the dynamic convection heat transfer of the surfaces of complicated bodies on the two situation of the temperature of surface high and low the dynamic adiabatic temperature, get distribution of coefficient of heat transfer of the surface of dynamic convection. Analyze the influence of relevant factor.3. Establish the computation model of the flow and heat transfer of the inside of engine cabin of aircraft, which has complicated structure. Simulate the course of coupled heat transfer of convection-radiation of inside of the cabin using FLUENT software. Research the flow and heat transfer of the inside of engine cabin under different condition, combining the coefficient of heat transfer of dynamic convection of outer surface.It has better cognition for the characteristic of heat transfer of dynamic convection of high-speed aircraft with complicated bodies from research. Provide the required characteristic parameter and reference for the coupled thermal analysis and design of the thermal reliability of the whole high-speed aircraft with complicated bodies and the research of infrared target characteristic.