Factor Analysis and Empirical Research on Sustainable Growth of Industrial Clusters |
Author | ZhangXuMing |
Tutor | LiHui |
School | Jilin University |
Course | Management Science and Engineering |
Keywords | industrial clusters sustainable growth clusters enterprise clusters dissipative structure principal component analysis |
CLC | F270 |
Type | PhD thesis |
Year | 2008 |
Downloads | 1211 |
Quotes | 8 |
The practice of regional economy development has been showing that industrial clusters is the economic organization style that is very competitive in the globalization. However, an industrial clusters that is vigorously developing at present can not necessarily ensure that it will remains its competitive advantage in the future. After it forms, industrial clusters maybe continuously grow and tend to mature, and it also maybe tend to decline on a certain condition. An important theoretical problem that must be solved in the research of industrial clusters is how to promote its sustainable growth and make it remain vigorous life power. For this problem, the existing research achievements have not yet given a satisfying solution.Based on the reason above, this paper regards the sustainable growth of industrial clusters as the subject of research and aims at uncovering its internal law by analyzing its mechanisms and related factors. Recognition of this law not only will theoretically make it profound the comprehension of essence of industrial clusters, but also will provide an useful guidance in that each region of China foster and develop clusters economy, push forward upgrading of industrial clusters, and promote development and expansion of regional industries.On the whole, this paper pushes on the research course following the technical route "research design→theory foundation→theoretical and empirical research" and using the research method of normative analysis combining with empirical analysis. In the course of research, this paper deals with analysis and argument by concretely applying for the methods including systematic analysis, induction and deduction, dynamic research and statistical empirical way.The research object of this paper is industrial clusters. For the connotation of the concept of industrial clusters, the viewpoints of the academy differ with each other distinctively. Regarding the industrial clusters as a system, this paper probes into it applying for the viewpoints and methods of system theory. From the angle of system, this paper defines the concept of industrial clusters again and thinks that industrial clusters is a regional economy system in a certain geographical scope that forms by way of high degree agglomeration of lots of specialized enterprises and related service institutions which have vertical cooperation relation, horizontal competition relation or mutual-complement relation each other around a certain industry and at the same time resumes very mighty cost and innovation advantage. Industrial clusters has four outstanding synergic effects in turn including that high degree specialization leads to an increasing returns(labor-division synergy), optimized transactional system raises market efficiency(systematic synergy), the strength reducing costs comes from external economy(aggregate synergy) and cost difference creates competitive advantage(competitive synergy).This paper constructs basic theory frame of sustainable growth of industrial clusters. Sustainable growth of industrial clusters is a continuous course that industrial clusters tends to mature and its systematic features are scale, structure and function of industrial clusters. This paper argues that the course of sustainable growth of industrial clusters is a course that clusters complex system evolves in a style of self-organization. This course can be explained using dissipative structure theory. This paper advances the concepts of clusters dissipative structure and clusters entropy. It is pointed out that because of the effect of clusters dissipation, the exchange of entropy between clusters and its environments supasses the emergence of entropy in the clusters and this leads to it that order degree of clusters system increasingly goes up and so industrial clusters increasingly tends to evolution. The formation of clusters dissipative structure needs existence of certain conditions including four respects that industrial clusters is of systematic opening quality, it is far away from equilibrium state, there is nonlinear interaction in it and it is of fluctuation effect.From three aspects of competition, cooperation and innovation of industrial clusters, this paper studies the internal mechanisms of sustainable growth of industrial clusters respectively. Competition is the important power that drives industrial clusters to develop continuously. From price competition, product competition to value competition, the competition style of clusters enterprise undergoes a gradually upgrading course. By analyzing the competition equation of industrial enterprise under saturation effect, this paper draws a conclusion that the competition of resources and market among the clusters enterprises affects the scale change of industrial clusters. This paper constructs the competition equation between clusters enterprise and primary enterprise under two circumstances of same resources and different resources. From the competition equation, it is known that the innovative enterprise emerged in competition can promote industrial clusters to revolve to senior phase continuously.However, excessive competition will induce the bad price battle of industrial clusters, make a " lemon market ", and destruct the sustainable growth of industrial clusters. Clusters enterprise need set up cooperative relations with other organizations in the industrial clusters by means of cooperation styles including horizontal cooperation, vertical cooperation and cross cooperation. The cooperation of clusters enterprise can produce economic effects including resources sharing, scale economy, scope economy, quickness economy and external economy, and raise the whole competence of all cooperative partners.Knowledge is the significant source of sustainable growth of industrial clusters. In the course of clusters growth, it is decisive of knowledge accumulation level of the whole clusters. If it is wanted that the knowledge accumulation level of the clusters is lifted, it will need that the organizations in the industrial clusters, especially enterprises, continuously learn and innovate. The innovative behavior of clusters enterprise will be affected actively by knowledge spillover led by staff flow, enterprise spin-off and informal contact. This paper sets forth the concept of " clusters innovation rent " that is extra returns brought about by innovative activities of clusters enterprise. The " clusters innovation rent " includes concretely " technology innovation rent ", " product innovation rent ", " market innovation rent " and " organization innovation rent ". The innovative behavior that clusters enterprise acquires " clusters innovation rent " will produce the effects of productivity upgrading, product added-value increase, market expansion and organization improvement.This paper selects a factor model of sustainable growth of industrial clusters. Directing at the defects that diamond model summarizes excessively and analyzes not enough in the microscopic level, this paper simplifies and develops diamond model on the basis of not breaking through its primary frame, introduces the factor of core enterprise, raises the factor model of sustainable growth of industrial clusters (DEHIR model) and utilizes the related factors to explain the problem of sustainable growth of industrial clusters. Considering that industrial clusters is a regional economic system and restricted by demand and supply, this paper sorts the affecting factors of sustainable growth of industrial clusters into two kinds of factors including demand factors and supply factors. The factors of DEHIR model involve in detail market demand, core enterprise, human capital, investment and R&D capital.The formation and development of industrial clusters is based on market demand of clusters product. Only on the support of certain market demand, especially market demand out of region, industrial clusters can grow continuously. Market demand will affect market entrance of clusters enterprise, innovation of product and technology and fine degree of division of industrial clusters.The core enterprise is the key factor whether industrial clusters can grow continuously or not. It has functions of discovering demand, hatching enterprise, demonstrating success and building networks in the course of growth of industrial clusters. The core enterprise has an effect on the surrounding enterprises through substantial contact or unsubstantial contact. Usually, the contact of core enterprise with surrounding enterprises undergoes a dynamic revolution course which is from simplicity to complication and from junior phase to senior phase. The whole trend of contact is changed from product contact to knowledge contact, from single direction contact to two-way contact, from competitive contact to cooperate contact and from lower organizational contact to higher organizational contact.Human capital interacts with industrial clusters by mutual affection, mutual dependence and mutual promotion. On one hand, human capital makes a foundation of industrial clusters so that industrial clusters can not emerge and develop without its support. On the other hand, when industrial clusters continuously expand on scale and strengthen on competence, it will absorb related talents and labors to agglomerate to clusters district unceasingly and make accumulation of human capital added. For the development of industrial clusters, human capital has functions of production support, elements connection, efficiency upgrading, information delivering, knowledge innovation and development assurance.Capital investment is the basic condition on that industrial clusters can get sustainable growth. This paper abstracts industrial clusters as an economy and sets up production function model of industrial clusters. It is known from the model that the increase of capital per person is significant for industrial clusters so long as marginal returns of capital is net less than zero. The increase of capital per person of industrial clusters must be achieved by capital investment. Foreign direct investment has an outstanding effect on the industrial clusters in which FDI possesses a considerable proportion. FDI of transnational company has imitation effect and clusters residing effect and can effectively accelerate the clusters division to deepen and technology to outflow.This paper argues that clusters growth is an economy growth course. Closely contacts exist among R&D investment, technological progression and clusters growth, which can be explained by the theory of new economy growth. According to the theory of new economy growth, technology will bring about the increasing scale returns and technology relates with investment by mutual acceleration. If it is wanted that industrial clusters grows continuously, we shall not purely depend on simple growth of elements input. The correct job is to increase the input of R&D capital continuously and promote the development of industrial clusters mainly by the power of technological improvement.This paper carries on an empirical research on the relation between each factor of DEHIR model and sustainable growth of industrial clusters. Regarding Jilin provincial automobile industrial clusters as an empirical analytical object, it applies location quotient method to make clusters recognition. It uses Delphi method to determine factor index, deals with a corresponding and regression analysis according to the selected factor index and build a regression model of each factor index and developmental level of industrial clusters. The result shows that each factor of DEHIR model has strong corresponding relationship with sustainable growth of industrial clusters except the factor of human resources capital. This paper applies the method of principal component analysis to make a multivariable statistical analysis and sets up a regression model of principal component between the principal component of all factor indexes and the developmental level of industrial clusters. It sets up a multivariable regression model of screened variables based on the principal component variable screen and studies the key factor that affects sustainable growth of industrial clusters. The result shows that market demand is the key factor that affects sustainable growth of industrial clusters.In the end, this paper raises the policy suggestions about promoting sustainable growth of Chinese automobile industrial clusters according to the conclusions of theoretical and empirical research above. The first policy suggestion is to foster intensively automobile parts clusters around the automobile enterprise. The second is to make automobile industrial clusters highly specialized by the power of market demand. The third is to accelerate automobile parts enterprise to agglomerate in a large amount by the guidance of capital agglomeration. The fourth is to promote the bodies of automobile industrial clusters to integrate with each other by the bond of clusters policy. The fifth is to develop a healthy market system of automobile industry at the leading of market mechanism. The sixth is to strengthen the construction of the soft and hard environment of local automobile industry on the basis of clusters platform.This paper probes into the mechanism and affecting factors of sustainable growth of industrial clusters in a certain extent. Viewed the paper all over, it gets innovative research achievements below:1. this paper constructs the fundamental theory frame of sustainable growth of industrial clusters, brings forward the concepts of clusters entropy and clusters dissipative structure and determines the basic forming conditions of clusters dissipative structure.2. this paper has studied the mechanism of sustainable growth of industrial clusters and analysed profoundly the internal relationship in the respect of theory that exists respectively between competence, cooperation, innovation and sustainable growth of industrial clusters.3. this paper has set up the factor model of sustainable growth of industrial clusters, analyzed systematically the effects of each affecting factor in theory and supplied it with the empirical support.