Online Journalism in Multiple Perspectives |
Author | ZhangYongHua |
Tutor | ZhangGuoLiang |
School | Fudan University |
Course | Communication |
Keywords | Internet communication online journalism multiple perspectives interaction |
CLC | G210 |
Type | PhD thesis |
Year | 2003 |
Downloads | 1585 |
Quotes | 7 |
This dissertation applies various theoretical perspectives to study the rise and present state of online journalism, highlighting the interaction between online journalism and the economic, political and cultural systems of society. It adopts an approach that integrates theoretical analysis with empirical research. Based upon a mass of data and information gathered through review of relevant literature, online observation of famous websites, case studies, field study of well-known Chinese media websites and interviews with people working for online media, the dissertation examines the development of online journalism amidst its interaction with various social factors, its penetration into the present-day economic, political and cultural life, and the significance and impact of such penetration. It gives priority to carrying out research in line with Marxist historical and dialectical materialism, placing online journalism in the broad context of economic globalization, development of modern political civilization (political culture) characterized with democracy, and contemporary culture. In particular, it places emphasis on exploring the relationship between online journalism and the recent development in economy, i.e., the globalization and unprecedented acceleration of economic operation, pointing out that it is in the social needs created by this development that lies the most fundamental dynamics of the growth of online journalism.The dissertation adopts a global viewpoint to probe the development of online journalism in China by making a comparative analysis of the cases in different countries, particularly, the United States and China, with regard to the social conditions for the rise of online journalism and its penetration in the social life of these countries. Through such a comparative analysis, it endeavors to reveal that online journalism in Mainland China has developed in the course of its interaction with the nation’s distinct conditions as well as in the broad international context of globalization. Furthermore, proceeding from the existing conditions of China as a large developing country, this dissertation also discusses the cultural and political challenges brought up by the penetration of the new medium-the Internet into the cultural and political lifein addition to the positive impact of such penetration. Moreover, it addresses a series of issues closely related to the development of online journalism in this country, e.g., the economic management of media websites, the relationship between positive effects of online journalism and its challenges to traditionalpolitics, offering some thoughts on strategies for handing these. By so doing, the dissertation attempts to provide certain theoretical bases and tentative propositions for bringing these issues on the agenda and eventually solving themThe dissertation is divided into six chapters. In addition, it provides information on the number of Internet users in the world as well as in China and the growth of the number in the past few years.Chapter One briefly traces the rise and development of the Internet communication and online journalism at home and abroad reviews related studies and expounds the research plan of this dissertation. It points out that, like any other innovations in human society, the Internet and online journalism did not emerge over night as if it fell out of the blue. From the day of its inception the new medium of the Internet has grown amidst its interaction with economic, political, and cultural factors.Chapter Two explores some theoretical perspectives for studying Internet communication and online journalism with reference to the political economy of communication, the sociology of culture and the normative media theories. underlining the recent developments in these fields and the value each theory has for studying online media.Chapter Three discusses the present state of online journalism at home and abroad with an analysis of the characteristics, trends and dynamics underlying its recent dev