Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Higher Education > School Management

A Theoretical Research into the Configuration of Resources for Logistic Service in Colleges and Universities

Author PengHuaiZu
Tutor TangDeShan
School Hohai University
Course Technology Economics and Management
Keywords Logistics Reform Logistical resources Consumer Logistics Configuration Proportion
CLC G647.4
Type PhD thesis
Year 2006
Downloads 1424
Quotes 10
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Reform of University Logistics has started since 1999, made a breakthrough, initially worked out an economic system from a planned to a market economy university logistics system under the university logistics restructuring of the road, a strong impetus to China's higher education rapidly development. However, in recent years the voice of Logistics Reform subsided significantly, increasing the difficulty of reform of logistics, logistics services and logistics reform to meet the needs of temporary space temporarily reduced benefits, etc., are some of the reasons, but in essence, is mainly of university logistics Reform has its particularity, \Examine how our Logistics Reform doctrinal history, current situation, are forward-looking measures proposed prerequisite for further reform. Based on the above understanding, this in order to promote the reform of university logistics market principles as the theme, in order to optimize the allocation of resources as the main line logistics, logistical resources on colleges and universities to systematically on the basis of theoretical analysis, through the integrated use of multidisciplinary knowledge, to build a more perfect The theoretical framework of university logistics resource allocation. Paper is divided into eight chapters, according to the logical structure can be divided into three parts: the first part is the first three chapters, covering introduction, definition, theoretical, analytical models, analysis of certain aspects of production resources. On the research background, objectives, methods, structures were reviewed; elaborated definition of the concept paper, the theoretical basis and analytical models; clear connotation of productive resources, characteristics and configuration trends. The second part is the fourth to the sixth chapter, mainly through AHP, identified as the three consumer services, internal and external resources to productive resources proportional relationship. The third part is divided into Chapters VII and VIII, mainly for the case analysis, conclusions and recommendations. In this paper, theoretical innovation lies in: First, the logistical resources to categorize stratification. Logistical resources to productive resources and consumption can be divided into two major categories of resources. Production resources into productive resources and outside school production resources, production resources can be divided into assets and human resources of two types. Consumer resources are divided into students' consumption of resources, faculty resources consumption, school spending resources. The second is to use knowledge of economics, the scarcity of interpretation logistical resources, discusses the principles of logistics optimal allocation of resources, to define the nature of university logistics service products. Third, the mathematical knowledge to optimize the allocation of logistical resources to build mathematical models to identify logistical resources optimal allocation methods and approaches. Fourth, resource allocation college logistic routes and options for construction picture.

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