Dissertation > Mathematical sciences and chemical > Physics > Condensed Matter Physics

The Stability and Magnetic Moments of FenO and FenO2Clusters: a Study Based on Density Function Theory

Author WangRongE
Tutor XieZun
School Hebei Normal
Course Condensed Matter Physics
Keywords Density functional theory Fe_nO clusters Fe_nO2clusters Stable structure Electronic and magnetic properties
CLC O469
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
Downloads 44
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For understand the stability of clusters, peple researched the properties of the clusterwhich doped oxygen atoms, and find the discovery of the special nature of nano module. Ironas the3d transition metal representative, widely used in the industrial catalytic process, butiron clusters which contained oxygen atoms have widely used in the surface of catalytic andhigh density magnetic memory storage. Although there had so many research about ironclusters, such as C, N atoms, the characteristics of iron clusters which doped with the oxygenatom is not perfect. So we studied the oxygen atoms doped iron clusters.In order to research the characteristics of iron oxygen clusters, exchange and correlationsare treated within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) of Perdew-Wang-1991(PW91) and Double-numerical basis plus polarized functions (DNP). On the basis of the pureiron clusters, the most probable low-energy structures were found following an extensivesearch based on the low-energy structures of one or double oxygen atoms doped iron clusters.Through these methods, we have identified the ground state structures of FenO(n=3-13)andFenO2(n=2-11) clusters. Analysis of their structure stability, electronic structure andmagnetic properties have shown that:1. The growth pattern of FenO(n=3-13) andFenO2(n=2-11) clusters is amorphousforms, but the position of the doping oxygen atom is always in the surface of the clusters, inaddition to the oxygen atom of Fe10Oclusters is located in the center of the clusters.2. Compared to the pure iron clusters, no matter a single or two oxygen atoms, themixed will improved the stability of the clusters. With the number of atoms increased thestability of the iron-oxygen clusters are increasing. The magic number clusters have greaterstability than neighboring clusters. By calculating the numerical second derivative of the binding energies of FenO(n=3-13) clusters they show that: the FenOcluster in n=5,8,10has local area peak, in other words Fe5O, Fe8O, Fe10Oclusters are magic numberclusters in stability. As forFenO2(n=2-11) clusters,Fe5O2andFe9O2clusters are magicnumber clusters. It is noteworthy that the oxygen atom in the Fe10Ocluster is located in thecenter position of clusters, and the stability is the worst.3. Oxygen atom increases the overall energy gap of the FenOclusters, it suggest thatthe chemical stability of the doped clusters have been enhanced. Doped with iron-oxygenclusters oxygen atoms have increased the total energy gap, the chemical stability of the dopedclusters show a decreasing trend with the increasing atomic number.4. According to the analysis of M ullikencharge, the oxygen atom negatively charged,the charge transfer direction is from the iron atoms to oxygen atoms. In the FenOclusters,the total spin magnetic moments have a relationship with the oxygen atom charge transfer,within the scope of n>7, the more the charge transfer, the greater the magnetic moments.Within the scope of n<10, the magnetic moments ofFenO2clusters has odd-evenoscillations, and still has an overall upward trend.

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