Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Communicate > Communication network > General issues > Network Security

Fujian Telecom IDC safe and value-added services

Author DengHao
Tutor LuoXinLong
School Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Course Electronics and Information Engineering
Keywords Value-added security IDC Internet Data Center DDOS Security services
CLC TN915.08
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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The restructuring of the telecommunications industry, so operators to obtain a full-service operation qualification , which will give the government and enterprises customer market , in particular, brought unprecedented challenges to the business development of the Internet data center (IDC) . Construction projects aims of the security value-added services through a centralized , unified information security value-added business center solutions for the government and enterprises using IDC business customers a comprehensive and systematic analysis of network and information system security issues facing the based on the needs of users at different levels to provide differentiated security value-added business operations , increase customer adhesion , improve the added value of the telecommunications business . In this thesis , the actual demand of the security value-added services for China Telecom , from three aspects of the design of the front - end business systems , back - end business systems design , security, value-added business positioning and operating strategies are discussed . Focused on Cisco , Huawei and NSFOCUS three companies of the mainstream anti - DDOS solution data cleaning workflow , cleaning principle analysis to determine the project construction Selection program , business marketing and gives recommendations .

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