Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Education

Life Narrative Research on the Spirit of Education

Author SuZhiLei
Tutor ZhangRongWei
School Fujian Normal University
Course Principles of Education
Keywords the spirit of education life narrative pure secular historic
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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Education is becoming a way of life nowadays and the discussions of education change to the public topics mixed with criticism and praises. On the one hand the phenomenon shows different understandings on education, on the other hand it shows puzzles of education which was intensified by the cultural transformation. There are numerous researches on education all times concentrating on what is education and so on. Does education have the type of "ideal education" that is the perfect? The change of education is the form; however, the unchanged is the spirit of education through the development of education. The spirit of education, which is another different angle of research on education, is vivid and progressing with the development of history.Basing on interview survey and literature which are the main methods of research, the article is doing narrative research on the spirit of education. As people have varied understandings on the education, people have different viewpoints about the spirit of education. Everyone has unique spirit of education due to every different background of live and culture. Setting the spirit of education in the background of our country from the 1940s to 1990s, I try to catch the different understanding on sprit of education existing in different people who are the college students form 1949 to 1995. They show their understanding on spirit of education basing on their own life, which indicates the different spirit of education in different ages. The main purpose of the article is to search the same aspects of spirit of education though their different understanding.Finally, the article presents the relations between spirit of education and sprit of social culture, spirit of education and the quality of human being, secular and purity, nationality and historic about spirit of education. It reckons that the spirit of education is ideal, but rooted in the ground. The spirit of society is the essential support to spirit of education. The significance of education spirit is to enlighten the quality of freedom on people and transform the temperament of society.□

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