Dissertation > Biological Sciences > Molecular Biology > Genetic engineering (genetic engineering)

Research on Combinatorial Regulation of Multiple Transcription Factors

Author XuMengAng
Tutor LiXia
School Harbin Institute of Technology
Course Computer Science and Technology
Keywords transcription regulation combinatorial regulation transcription factor gene expression protein interaction
Type Master's thesis
Year 2008
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The development of information technology has brought new opportunities and challenges to life sciences and given birth to an interdisciplinary subject: bioinformatics. The mechanism of transcription regulation is a hot spot of bioinformatics research in post-genome era. This paper analyses the combinatorial regulation of transcription factors and its relationship with gene expression and protein interaction.Firstly, the paper introduced the concept, background and significance of transcription regulation, and current research methods related to the mechanisms of combinatorial regulation. DNA chip technology can simultaneously detect the expression of thousands genes; protein-protein interaction data given the interaction between proteins, all these data can provide benefits for exploring the relationship between combinatorial regulation and gene expression and protein interaction on the genome level.Secondly, a novel statistical method identifying the combination regulation of transcription factors and its target genes has been proposed. This method can give several measures to evaluate the combination regulation using gene expression coherency and protein interaction tightness. The method has been applied to yeast transcription control study, which found a lot of new combinations of transcription factors.Finally, development of computing and visualization platform has been made to achieve the automated data processing and analysis.

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