Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Primary education > Subjects teaching methods, teaching aids > Aesthetic > Art

The Elementary School Fine Arts Education High-order Thinking Ability Cultivation Explore

Author DuJiCheng
Tutor MaDan
School Northeast Normal University
Course Art education
Keywords Higher Order Thinking Critical Thinking Cognitive Innovation
CLC G623.75
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
Downloads 132
Quotes 2
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The purpose of this thesis is a natural art higher order thinking skills in elementary art curriculum design, learning to turn this thinking into the elementary school classroom in the Fine Arts to. The ultimate goal is to enable students to take the initiative to come to art class, so students truly understand the joy of art classes, and students in the joy of art to foster higher order thinking skills. The real stresses higher order thinking skills applied to the primary school art class in the past.This paper argues that the teaching style of art in primary schools is student-centered style. Student-centered style of the root causes is the first priority to the needs of learners. This paper reflects the learning style, in other words, how best to help every school to achieve through the art of self and a real future as a can with independent creativity and critical thinking capacity.

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