Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Machinery and Instrument Industry > Instruments, meters > General issues > Structure

Research on Modeling Method of Planar Multibody System Based on Vector Bond Graphs

Author CaoJianGuo
Tutor WangZhongShuang
School Qiqihar University
Course Mechanical Design and Theory
Keywords Vector bond graphs Planar multibody system Dynamic and static force analysis Modeling and Simulation Causality
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
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With the rapid development of the national economy and national defense construction,the increasing demands on the mechanical systems, the importance of dynamic analysis andcontrol has become increasingly prominent. Most of the traditional kinetic analysis method islimited to a single form of energy (e.g.mechanical systems) local dynamics, it has limitationsto the system of complex coupling of multi-energy domains. The bond graph theory providesa considerable potential and characteristics of the way to solve the above problems.But with the constantly expanding and deepening of the area and scope of the bond graphtheory applications, the general problems in the bond graph method also increasinglyprominent. Many scholars have carried out a lot of research, a number of solutions to solvepart of the problem, but there are still many issues to be further studied. Vector bond graphmethod in this area to make up for the defects of the general scalar bond graph method, vectorbond graph model has the form of compact, simple structure. It can contain multi-dimensionalinformation on each of its bonds, you can easily multi-domain integration, so the vector bondgraph method has become a mechanical system dynamics analysis of the most widely usedmethod. Causality assignment in vector bond graph need to convert into a scalar bond graph,which lost its own characteristics and significance. In addition, automatic computer modelingand simulation based on vector bond graph, pending further analysis, so there are a lot ofresearch work to be done in this area.In this paper, further in-depth study and exploration on a number of issues about thedynamics analysis of planar rigid multi-body system based on the vector bond graph has beendone, has been established a perfect expression of topological structure and simple rigidmultibody system vector bond graph model,the model can not only express the kinematic anddynamic characteristics of both the expression of a single movement components, but alsoexpress constraints among the components of the kinematic and dynamic characteristics. Inmulti-energy domains within the same time, based on vector bond graph, seeking an effectiveway to differential causality and non-linear junction structure decoupling to resolve thedifficulties to the automatic modeling. In the theoretical framework of the vector bond graph,this paper has been derived and summarized in a unified formula to facilitate the computerautomatically generated on multi-energy domains coupled multi-body dynamic systems of two types of dynamic problems, has established a variety of movement joint of the planarmotion vector bond graph model. In addition, the system dynamic analysis procedure wasprepared based on MATLAB and example to verify the validity of the above-mentioned workthrough several typical projects.

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