Dissertation > Aviation, aerospace > Aviation > Various types of aircraft > Aircraft > Military aircraft ( fighter) > Carrier-based aircraft

Research on Deck Motion Modeling and Deck Motion Compensation for Carrier Landing

Author ZhangYongHua
Tutor ZhouZuo
School Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Course Control Theory and Control Engineering
Keywords carrier aircraft automatic carrier landing system deck motion deck motion prediction deck motion compensation
CLC V271.492
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
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Due to the wave and wind disturbance, aircraft carrier has six dimensional motions, includingsurge, sway, heave, roll, pitch, yaw when sailing in the sea. The deck motion increases the landingdifficulty and seriously affects the safety of carrier landing. In order to reduce the landing error due tothe deck motion, the deck motion modeling is studied and then the deck motion prediction andcompensation techniques are studied in this thesis.Firstly, in order to study and verify the control strategies and algorithms for the carrier landing,the general deck motion model is established. Based on this model, deck motion of various situationscan be simulated by changing the size, direction, speed of the ship as well as the sea conditions.Simulations of the deck motion in different situations are conducted, and the main patterns of deckmotion are concluded based on the simulation results.Secondly, the deck motion compensator and predictor are designed and integrated into thelongitudinal automatic carrier landing system for compensating the vertical errors of the ideal landingpoint. The longitudinal deck motion compensator and predictor are examined for various situationssimulated by the general deck motion model. The simulation results show that the designed deckmotion predictor and compensator can effectively compensate the error caused by phase delay of thelongitudinal automatic carrier landing system and have desired results for complex carrier landingenvironments.Finally, the lateral deck motion compensator is designed and integrated into the lateral automaticcarrier landing system. The integral and inertial tracking strategies of the horizontal axis of the inertialstable coordinate system for the deck middle line are designed, and the simulated comparisons areconducted. In order to reduce the lateral deviation, the lateral deck motion compensation models aredesigned and the simulation studies are conducted. The lateral deck motion compensation simulationsare conducted for both integral and inertial tracking strategies. The tracking strategies and the deckmotion compensation models which are suitable for the lateral deck motion compensating aresummarized by simulation comparisons.

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