Study on Seasonally Frozen Region Road Preventive Maintenance Decision Management System |
Author | TianQiuShi |
Tutor | WeiHaiBin |
School | Jilin University |
Course | Road and Railway Engineering |
Keywords | seasonal frost region road usage performance decay preventivemaintenance |
CLC | U418.2 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2013 |
Downloads | 33 |
Quotes | 0 |
This paper mainly talks about road performance evaluation methods in seasonal frozenarea, evaluation system development, the using performance decay research, roadconservation measures and other aspects.First of all, this paper summarizes the evaluation index system of seasonal frozen areaof road usage; and then determines the Subgrade Quality Index (SQI) and the PavementQuality Index (PQI) as the road usage evaluation indicators on this topic. QuantitativeMethod of Evaluation is proposed to improve the usefulness of indicators quantitativemethods. The Uncertain Analytic Hierarchy Process-based the road Performance Evaluationof specification model is proposed to improve the road performance evaluation model. Thispaper determines the parameters of the evaluation model based on the characteristics of theuse of high-grade highways in seasonally frozen ground region. And then determines theroad status of the high-speed, high-precision detection technology in the seasonally frozenaround the identified highway asphalt road usage evaluation index system.Basing on the road condition evaluating methods and evaluation index system, theauthor developed a preventive maintenance decision management system, which is easy,stable and with high accuracy In this paper, the authoer based on the Harbin–Shuangchengsuper-highway, monitored the performance of long-term of the highway sections of the road,and provided the basic data for road performance decay studies. Then the author used the“seasonally frozen ground region road preventive maintenance decision managementsystem” to evaluate the road usage condition of the selected representative sections ofHarbin–Shuangcheng super-highway. Using the least square method, the author got thedecay law of the highway.Through the research work of this project, and according to the research of the seasonalfrozen area of Asphalt Pavement decay performance and preventive measures, the author gota set of evaluation index system, evaluation model and methods, evaluation management software, analysis method of road performance decay law, and the preventive conservationmeasures.