Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Automation technology,computer technology > Computing technology,computer technology > Computer software > Management procedures,management systems

The Automobile Manufacturing Industry Information System Integration Application Research Based on EA

Author LengBingBo
Tutor WangXueYing
School Shenyang Normal
Course Management Science and Engineering
Keywords information systems enterprise architecture integration component model automobile manufacture
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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With the increasingly fierce competition in the market environment today,enterprise in order to improve their competitiveness in the industry, and gradually turntheir attention to the construction of enterprise information, trying to use informationtechnology to enhance the production and management capacity in different areaswith different levels of development and the introduction of a large number ofinformation systems. However, by the external operating environment, their ownmanagement and management based on information technology development level,funds, and many other factors, usually in the building process of information systemonly for the department-level demand, decentralized, independent development andapplication of information system, the isolated information can’t meet the needs ofmiddle and senior management decision-making, information resources and systemintegration is imperative.Today, for the study of information systems integration issues, most based on theperspective of IT technology, network switching and network access technology,network server technology, collaborative technologies, data warehouse(DM), datamining(DM), middleware, XML, web service, SOA and other information systemsintegration concept and technology is emerging and has been far-reachingdevelopment, provide a solid technical support for the integration of informationsystems. However, only base on IT technology in information systems integration cannot achieve, it not only covers a wide range of content management thinking andmode changes, organizational restructuring and innovation, integration andoptimization of business processes, IT applications, but also related to the adjustmentof the integration with the corporate culture. Is a set of integration managementthinking、solution、methods、level、technology、principles.This paper analyzes the characteristics of enterprise information systemintegration and hierarchy based on the theoretical basis for enterprise architecture(EA):Firstly, in-depth analysis of the TOGAF Architecture framework and its architecture development method (ADM), understand the connotation of enterprisearchitecture, the hierarchy of the enterprise architecture and enterprise architecture.Secondly, the case study of an automobile manufacturing enterprise, combiningthe hierarchy of information system integration, respectively, corresponding to theanalysis and design of business applications, data, technology architecture.Finally, the architecture development achievements guiding and standardizinginformation systems integration solutions on all levels, and the final completion of thedesign of the integrated model of the information system of the enterprise as a whole.

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