Dissertation > Transportation > Road transport > Automotive Engineering > A variety of automotive > Various energy vehicles > Electric vehicles

Structural Analysis and Optimization of Micro-electric Vehicle Chassis

Author DengHao
Tutor LuChunGuang; LiuWeiMin
School Hebei Union University
Course Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation
Keywords The chassis structure Electric tour car Finite element analysis Modal analysis Shock absorber spring
CLC U469.72
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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The chassis is the main structure of the electric touring car, most parts of the electriccar must depend on the chassis for fixing and connection, it is the main structure for loadbearing and the key component of the whole electric car. Therefore, the chassis shouldhave enough stiffness and strength, at the same time, it should also have appropriatedynamic characteristics to reduce vehicle vibration. The structure performance directlyaffects the safety, operability and comfort rate of the electric touring car.This subject of the research mainly deals with stiffness and strength problems andthe correspondent solutions of micro tourism electric vehicles that may appear in the sixkinds of typical working conditions when chassis structure is effected by differentbending and twisting forces. We used3d entity modeling software Pro/E for three-dimensional entity modeling of an electric vehicle chassis, and used ANSYS for staticsanalysis of the designed chassis, and had obtained chassis local deformation and stressunder six conditions and provided an important basis for improvement on chassisstructure optimization, made optimization improvement on chassis local structure andsize and verified the rationality according to the above data, at last launched the modeanalysis of its various working conditions, got ten-order vibration mode and frequency inthe actual driving process of electric cars, provided parameter basis for optimizing thevehicle vibration characteristic, avoided the resonance phenomenon effectively, andreduced the noise. According to the practical work situation of the electric cars’ dampingspring and the variant, flexible in the face of the flexible surface contact, made thenonlinear calculation analysis on the electric cars’ damping spring, acquired spring stress,displacement, etc, provides a basis for carrying out practical damping spring optimizationdesign and selection.Through the finite element analysis and calculation on the chassis structure, we haveverified that the design of the electric vehicle chassis structure accords with the basicrequirement for stiffness and strength, made optimized improvement on the weak link,and applied it to the actual electric car design, at the same time, on the basis of theanalysis of the damping spring, we choose the correct spring model. In the process of thefinite element analysis on the chassis, we have attained a lot of valuable experimentaldata, laying a reliable foundation for future design on miniature electric car chassisstructure.

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