Dissertation > Agricultural Sciences > Crop > Cereal crops > Wheat > Wheat

Diversity of SSR Marker in175Wheat Varieties from Huang-huai Winter Wheat Region and Its Association with Plant Height and Yield Related Traits

Author WuYuGuo
Tutor YinYanZuo
School Shandong Agricultural University
Course Crop Genetics and Breeding
Keywords Wheat Genetic diversity SSR Allele Association analysis
CLC S512.1
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
Downloads 215
Quotes 1
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Wheat is one of the important crops. Huang-Huai winter wheat Region, the main districtwhere yields wheat, portrait in long history, many-cultivars. The materials of this area havethe high yield and good quality, wide adaptability, contribute greatly to agriculturedevelopment and grain production. At present, quality improvement is the targets in wheatbreeding, and there are considerable ample resources, so it is very important to know thegenetic diversity, and identify SSR markers associated with important agronomic traits,including plant height and yield related traits of wheat in this district, to widen the breedingrange and to make the breeding and production continual.The materials of this study are175wheat varieties. Plant Height and Yield Related Traitswere characterized for the set of materials. Analysis of genetics diversity and populationstructure were conducted by using SSR marker, and in addition, the linkagedisequilibrium(LD) of chromosomes was calculated. At the end, association test between SSRmarker polymorphisms with phenotype variation were performed in to identify loci that areresponsible to phenotype variations with yield.The major results are as follows:1. A total of175wheat assections were evaluated for genetic diversity and populationstructure based on108SSR loci. The results showed that a total of448allelic variations weredetected with an average allele number of4.15. The average PIC (polymorphism informationcontent) and gene diversity values were0.615and0.561, respectively. The results showedthat the genetic diversity was relatively high among the assecions used in this study. ByUPGMA cluster and population structure analysis, the175assecions were clustered into6main groups. Most of wheat lines are of admixture kinship, and the result of populationstructure analysis was similar to cluster analysis.2. In108polymorphism primer combinations, Distinguished ability of single primerpairs ranged from0.011to0.240, the average distinguished ability was0.056. In which,barc163can indentified42wheat varieties, and the distinguished ability was0.240. Capabilityof single primer pair in cultivars’ indentification was limited. Single pair which coulddistinguish all cultivars was not detected.3. Marker-trait association analysis was calculated by General linear model in softwareTASSEL2.0. Twenty-three SSR loci were detected significant associated with agronomictraits. In which, Four SSR loci are associated with Plant height, Five SSR loci are associatedwith Spike length, Five SSR loci are associated with Spikelets, Three SSR loci are associatedwith Kernel number, Three SSR loci are associated with Thousand-kernel weight, Five SSR loci are associated with Kernel length and One SSR loci are associated with Kernel width. Inthe twenty-three SSR loci, Xgwm129(2B) was significantly (P<0.001) associated with1000-kernel weight, whose phenotypic variation explaining rate was as high as19.3%. Theresults enhance previous QTL information and provide additional QTL information formarker-assisted selection.

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