Dissertation > Agricultural Sciences > Crop > Economic crops > Sugar crop > Beets ( sweet carrots)

Study on biochemical characteristics of sugar beet M14 physiological salt stress

Author JiaShanShan
Tutor LiHaiYing
School Heilongjiang University
Course Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Keywords Salt stress Sugar beet M14line Physiology and biochemistrycharacteristics Real-time PCR
CLC S566.3
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
Downloads 57
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The problem of soil salinization seriously effect the ecological environment andagricultural production, it has already become a key factor to hinder the rapiddevelopment of the agriculture. Plants, when subjected to environmental stress, undergoalterations in their growth, metabolism and production, these factors lead to plant lossesin agricultural yield.Sugar beet M14line is acquired by Beta vulgaris L. crossed many times withB.corollifiora Zoss. by professor guo, because of the sugar beet M14line has thechromosome NO.9of B.corollifiora Zoss., so it has the characters of the stressresistance and apomixis.The sugar beet M14line was used as materials in this study, under differentconcentration gradients of long and short tine NaCl stress, penetration materials and theactivity of enzyme and some other characteristics of physiology and biochemistry weretested in the leaves and root, at the same time, the expression of the CMO and BADHwhich code the betaine were tested using the Real-time PCR to quantize theirexpression level.By learning the characteristics of physiology and biochemistry under NaCl stress,we can conclude that with the improvement of the concentration gradients of NaCl,(1)the membrane permeability and MDA content of leaves and root in sugar beet M14line went up as stress increased. But the content of MDA did not increase so much, thiscan indicate the sugar beet M14line has better salty resistance under salt stress.(2)under NaCl stress, the content of penetration materials in the leaves and root went upwith the improvement of the concentration gradients of NaCl, these penetrationmaterials can maintain the penetration balance in the cells of plant, so the plant canprevent the sugar beet M14line from death.(3) under NaCl stress, the activity of SOD、POD、CAT increased in sugar beet M14line varieties with increased stress. But the activity of SOD is higher than the other enzymes, so we can conclude that the SODplays an important role in protecting the plant from hurting under salt stress.(4)in thispresent study, we investigated the physiology and biochemistry of the sugar beet M14line under different concentrations, also studied the trend of physiology andbiochemistry of the sugar beet M14line changed with the different time, at the sametime, the CMO and BADH which synthesis the betaine were investigated in response todifferent abiotic stress using Real time-PCR, we find the variation of the content of thebetaine is consistent with the relative expression of the CMO、BADH, we also findrelative expression of the CMO、BADH in the leaves is higher than the roots, so we canconclude that the root was hurt more seriously than the leaves in the sugar beet M14line.

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