Dissertation > Agricultural Sciences > Forestry > Forest management,forest measurement science, forest management > Forest Management > Basic theory,principles,

Mount Daqing of Inner Mongolia Ecological Public Welfare ForestSustainable Management Evaluation and Countermeasures

Author YinTao
Tutor ZhangQiuLiang
School Inner Mongolia Agricultural University
Course Forest Management
Keywords Daqing Mountain Ecological Commoneal Forest Sustainable management Standard and index system Appraisal
CLC S757.1
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
Downloads 40
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Based on the theory of sustainable forest management, under the guidance of ecological public welfare forest of daqingshan criteria and indicators for sustainable management system research, the purpose is for carrying out rational management decision to provide the theory basis. The results were as follows:(1) The index system including forest ecological system stability and energy to maintain, forest of water conservation, water and soil resources conservation and maintenance, improve and adjusting the climate, the contribution to the global carbon cycle, long-term social and economic benefits of conservation and strengthen, law and policy system and a standard,25index(2) The result shows:the sustainable forest management comprehensive evaluation index of0.698, on the weak sustainable state, complies with the development of ecological public welfare forest daqingshan practical situation.(3)Through each index evaluation index of the analysis shows that the sustainable management of ecological public welfare forest daqingshan restricted mainly include low volume, tree species composition is simple, bringing the low coverage, and the soil is bad, the runoff coefficient proponent, carbon amount low, low income level of forestry workers.(4) Put forward the sustainable management of ecological public welfare forest daqingshan countermeasures:increase afforestation dynamics, abundant species diversity, the intensive management, to improve productivity and fixing carbon stand ability and the development of ecological tourism, improve forest worker Income level, perfect the rules and regulations and ecological benefit compensation mechanism, promoting public participation.

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