Dissertation > Medicine, health > Chinese Medicine > Of Pharmacy > Pharmacology > Chinese medicine Experimental Pharmacology

The Effect of Simotang Oral Liquid and Its Separated Parts on Spontaneous Peristalsis of Isolated Intestine Segment and Preliminary Study on HPLC

Author HeShuHua
Tutor GuoJianSheng
School Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Course Of Pharmacy
Keywords Simotang Oral liquid isolated intestine segment effective substance part HPLC fingerprint Synephrine Naringin
CLC R285.5
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
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Objective To observe the effect of Simotang Oral Liquid and its separated parts on spontaneous peristalsis of isolated intestine segment and to explore the possible composition of the material of Simotang Oral Liquid by HPLC.Methods1. Effect of self-made Simotang Oral Liquid and its separated parts on spontaneous peristalsis of isolated intestine segment:the samples of isolated guineapigs ileum segment were PrePared according to isolated-organ experiment method.Add different dosage of drug liquid groups and observe their effect on isolated intestine segment. Observing the difference Between Each drug liquid group and marketed Simotang Oral Liquid as the reference substance. The separated parts include Ether part, Chloroform part, Butanol part and residual liquid from acid mentioning alkali shen law extraction separated method; Petroleum ether part, Ether part, Ethyl acetate part and Butanol part from system solvent separation method.2. The chromatographic fingerprints of self-made Simotang Oral liquid and the relevant fractions of Synephrine, Naringin and Fructus Aurantii Reference Substance were configured by HPLC analysis.Results1. Effect of Simotang Oral Liquid and its separated parts on spontaneous peristalsis of isolated intestine segment:In the study of dosages,compared with the former administration, according to marketed Simotang Oral Liquid as the reference substance. The self-made and marked Simotang Oral Liquid enhance spontaneous contraction of isolated ileum in guineapigs after administration of three minutes, especially excitatory effects is significant in the first minute(P<0.01).The effect of Simotang Oral Liquid on enchancing the average tension and the contraction amplitude of isolated ileum is significant, but the effect of Simotang Oral Liquid enchancing the contraction frequency is little, the effect of Chloroform parts is identically compared with the reference substance. It enhances spontaneous contraction of isolated ileum, too. and especially excitatory effects is significant in the first minute(P<0.01). Butanol parts and Ether parts from system solvent separation method,The effect of them enhances spontaneous contraction of isolated ileum in guinea pigs after administration of the first minutes(P<0.01^P<0.05). their excitatory effects is similar with the reference substance. But after one minute, the effects is slightly different with the reference substance. the effect of the other solvent separated parts is significant differences with the reference substance. The effect of separated parts of the non-volatile oil Simotang Oral Liquid is the same as above mentioned.2. The fingerprint of Simotang Oral liquid with good separation was successfully established, The sources of2characteristic peaks in self-made and marketed Simotang Oral liquid were determined with the information of Synephrine, Naringin and Fructus Aurantii.Conclusion It has been proved that Simotang Oral liquid significantly enhances spontaneous contraction on intestinal motility in vitro.The efficacy is associated with the non-volatile oil part. The Effective substance parts is most likely the Chloroform part from acid mentioning alkali shen law extraction separated method, possibly the Ether part and the Butanol part from system solvent separation method, too. The results show Synephrine and Naringin is the substance of the composition of Simotang Oral liquid by HPLC.

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