Dissertation > Medicine, health > Internal Medicine > Digestive and abdominal diseases > Esophageal diseases

Clinical Application of Custom-made Coverd and Retrievable Stent for Benign Esophageal Disease by Endoscopy

Author WuQianNeng
Tutor JiFeng
School Zhejiang University
Course Internal Medicine
Keywords endoscopy esophageal fistula benign esophageal strictures custom-made covered retrievable stent
CLC R571
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
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ObjectiveTo investigate the efficacy of the Custom-made Covered and Retrievable Stent in treating with benign esophageal disease by endoscopy.MethodsA total Of36patients with benign esophageal diseases including in10benign esophageal fistulas and26benign esophageal strictures, were treated with custom-made covered and Retrievable stents through endoscopic placement and the therapeutic efficacy and complications arising from stent placement observed.ResultsA technical success rate of100%was achieved through endoscopic placement.9benign esophageal fistulas were completely closed. Dysphagia were improved in92.3%of the benign esophageal strictures within1week after stent placement and in69.2%within6month after stent remove. The final32stents has been retrieved. The total adverse reaction rate is50%, including5cases migration and6cases of tissue ingrowth in stents upper opening. ConclusionsIt is quite convenient, safe as well as effective for endoscopic placement of custom-made covered and recyclable stents. and it may be a prospective way for benign esophageal fistulas, But Treatment of benign esophageal stricture is still the preferred Dilatation.

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